If you lived through the ’90s then you undoubtedly watched The Craft at least a dozen times. Sony Pictures has decided to remake the 1996 witchcraft movie that starred Neve Campbell, Fairuza Balk, Robin True and Robin Tunney.

Leigh Janiak will be directing The Craft reboot for Sony, who recently directed 2014’s Honeymoon, which starred Game of Thrones actress Rose Leslie. While many fans of the witchcraft movie are probably screaming at their monitors right now, it might be the perfect time to bring the witches back.

The Craft was an excellent cult film based around four witches that start allowing their lives to get out of hand. ’90s nostalgia is in full-force right now, and studios are bound to start remaking more of these movies that were huge hits in the mid to late ’90s and at least The Craft was one of the better films.

As for Leigh Janiak directing the reboot, she’s definitely a solid choice for the film, and Janiak recently directed an episode of MTV’s new Scream series, which is another attempt at hitting on the ’90s nostalgia.

In the original, a newcomer to a Catholic prep high school falls into a group of outcast teenage girls who practice witchcraft. Soon they all conjure up various spells and curses against those who even slightly anger them. They find out how quickly good intentions can turn to evil ones, and we’ll be interested to see who is cast in the iconic ’90s roles.

Janiak is a solid choice for The Craft reboot, and we look forward to seeing if the film goes more toward the straight horror flick or stays in the teenage witch territory. We hope that at least one or two of the original cast members make cameos during The Craft remake.

Either way, let us know what you think about the beloved ’90s cult hit getting remade by Sony and director Leigh Janiak.