The geeky gang dealt with hard truths on The Big Bang Theory season 8, episode 10. Check out our recap and share your thoughts on “The Champagne Reflection”!

Hail and farewell

Sheldon has decided that “Fun With Flags” is too much of a drain on his time, and films the final, 232nd episode with Amy. The question of episode 233rd — for which Amy forgot to press “record” — still peeves him.

The final episode flashes back to past episodes of “Fun With Flags.” Barry Kripke plays “Flag or Not a Flag,” Sheldon dresses as Betsy Ross, and he and Amy pretend to be an old-time seaside couple.

Levar Burton arrives to guest-star so that Sheldon will delete his contact information. Sheldon asks his advice on his skit as George Washington Carver, horrifying poor Levar.

In his final segment, Sheldon tearfully signs off for the last time and wipes his eyes on the white flag. Amy is moved, but then furious when Sheldon asks if she has pressed record.

Can’t take it with you

Leonard, Howard, and Raj clean out the office of Roger Abbot, a recently-deceased colleague. Leonard is depressed at the thought of just throwing out the man’s life’s work, especially when he finds a bottle of champagne. Abbot’s mother sent it to him with a note to open it upon his first major scientific discovery — it remains sealed.

Leonard convinces Howard and Raj to talk to Abbot’s former officemate for information on lists of numbers the scientist left behind. Leonard wants to find the discovery Abbot never made.

But the other scientist reveals that the numbers were just Abbot’s food diary. He agrees that Abbot’s research never amounted to anything.

The guys finish packing up Abbot’s office, sad to accept the fact that some people never achieve much. Leonard proposes they save the champagne to open when one of them has a big breakthrough… and then rub the achievement in Sheldon’s face.

Scary girl

Penny and Bernadette go to a company party, where their boss reiterates his terror of Bernadette. When Bernadette arrives, she lives up to her reputation.

Penny confesses to Bernadette that people sometimes find her mean… but definitely not Penny. Bernadette insists she’s not a bully, but begins to feel self-conscious around her terrified colleagues. Penny insists she not leave and takes her around to her colleagues.

Bernadette apologizes to her boss, who reveals that they have been keeping things from her. Bernadette tears up, realizing that she’s a terrible person… but winds up getting herself an espresso machine.

A fresh start

When Leonard gets home with the champagne, Sheldon is upset that no one has commented the last episode of “Fun With Flags.” When he gets one comment lukewarmly praising the show, he decides to revive it.

To Leonard’s dismay, Sheldon pops the old bottle of champagne in celebration.

Later, he goes to Levar Burton’s house and invites him to be in the next episode of “Fun With Flags” — he can even dress up as a swastika!

What did you think of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 8, episode 10?