Things got very, very sweet on The Big Bang Theory season 7, episode 23. Check out our recap, and share your thoughts on “The Gorilla Dissolution.”

Here’s what went down on em>The Big Bang Theory season 7, episode 23!

Rock-a-bye mama

Mrs. Wolowitz has an accident and will be in bed for six weeks! Howard is stressed by his mother’s infirmity, and wants to get a nurse for her. Bernadette is more willing to help out. She tells Howard that this is what it will be like if they have a kid, but Howard thinks he will be a better dad than son.

When Bernadette comes back with groceries, she and Howard have a fight. But the couple make up the next morning, having joined “Team Putz,” and hired a nurse for Ma.

Cold comfort

Sheldon and Raj go to see Spider-Man. They run into Emily at the movies… with a guy. Raj is shocked and upset, and returns to Sheldon’s apartment. Sheldon makes Raj tea and Raj admits that he and Emily never agreed to be exclusive.

Sheldon tries to get rid of Raj, but Raj doesn’t want Sheldon to leave him alone. Sheldon says that’s Raj’s problem – he is so scared to be alone that he falls for every girl who expresses the slightest interest.

Body modification

Emily comes over to Raj’s and apologizes, though the date was an obligation. Raj says it’s okay, and they confess that they aren’t seeing anyone else. They kiss, and Emily offers to show Raj all of her tattoos.

Monkey business

Penny tries to approach Serial Apist 2 with a positive attitude. She and Wil Wheaton perform a scene, after which the director fires Penny for putting in too much effort, and Wheaton for standing up for her.

Leonard, Wil, and a very depressed Penny go for a drink. Wil tries to be positive, and leaves for his Sharknado 2 audition. Leonard does his best to cheer Penny up, but she is not impressed.

Healthy choices

When they return to Penny’s apartment, Penny declares that she needs to make smart decisions. She offers to marry Leonard, which makes him feel about as desirable as a bran muffin.

Leonard wants to marry Penny, but he doesn’t want to be her “smart decision.” He wants her to be as excited about him as she would be for a Pop-Tart, which is aiming pretty high.

Let them eat cake!

Penny says that she has realized that she doesn’t need to be famous or have a big career to be happy.

“What do you need?” Leonard asks, frustrated.

“You, you big Pop-Tart!” Penny cries, which finally gets Leonard on board.

The realization that they are engaged is anticlimactic, until Leonard pulls a ring out of his wallet and properly proposes to Penny.

We’re so proud of those two!

What did you think of happy events of ‘The Gorilla Dissolution’?