The Big Bang Theory returned from a brief hiatus this week with “The Contractual Obligation Implementation.” Check out our recap and review right here!

As “The Contractual Obligation Implementation” begins, Leonard needs to come up with an idea to encourage women to be active in the sciences. Sheldon and Howard are dismissive, but Sheldon wryly comes up with the idea to introduce the appeal of science to girls in middle school, and Howard agrees to arrange a visit to his youthful alma mater. The trip gets off to a rocky start; Leonard’s painful enthusiasm spirals downward into a minor life crisis, Howard is unimpressive and the girls are nearly as disinterested as Sheldon.

Rescue only arrives in Sheldon’s bright idea to enlist actual women to speak to the students, namely Amy and Bernadette. Unbeknownst to the students, the positive message – delivered over the phone from Disneyland – is somewhat undermined by Amy and Bernadette simultaneously primping, having just been decked-out as Disney princesses with Penny. The costumes later serve to cast seductive spells over Howard and Leonard, though Sheldon is predictably unmoved.

Meanwhile, Raj is putting all of his dating eggs into a picnic basket for the sweet and socially awkward Lucy. He is at first flummoxed for ideas of where to meet her, but comes up with a rather ingenious solution. Raj sets up a picnic date in the library and communicates with Lucy via tabletop text message. Lucy is able to relax and have a good time and Raj doesn’t have to be tipsy. The date works out so well that Lucy is nearly brave enough to kiss Raj before her fear overwhelms her, which lands Raj with the most successful female interaction of the episode. Good job, buddy.

The Big Bang Theory will return next week with “The Closet Reconfiguration.” CBS says:

Howard struggles with whether or not he should open a letter from his father, and Leonard and Penny throw a “grown-up” cocktail party at the apartment.

The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

What did you think of “The Contractual Obligation Implementation”?