The Big Bang Theory is terrific at booking geek-friendly guest stars. Here are more we’d love to see!

With the news that Firefly (oh, and Castle’s) Nathan Fillion will be having a cameo appearance on an upcoming episode of The Big Bang Theory, we got to thinking what other stars we’d like to see on the geeky comedy. Here are our top five picks!

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot’s skills as Warner Bros.’ Wonder Woman are still untested, and we’re sort of keen on the idea of Gadot proving her chops to the ever-skeptical gang. And if she gets to arm-wrestle Sheldon in the bargain? Just saying, we wouldn’t change the channel.

Anthony Mackie

The actor behind Captain America‘s slick Sam Wilson may have tons of experience with drama, but he’s bloody hilarious in real life. We’re salivating at the thought of how Mackie’s effortless comedic chops and enthusiasm could play off the anxiety-ridden gang.

Possibly on an airplane, so they can make Falcon jokes. Cut the check!

Sean Bean

Hollywood’s most reliable dead guy would make a hilarious straight-man to the gang’s geeky antics. We’re envisioning the guys begging him to say “One does not simply walk into Mordor” ad nauseum for their phone messages… or maybe treating Bean to an elaborate recounting of exactly how Ned Stark screwed up.

Come on, “Sean Bean is Coming”? The ad campaign writes itself.

Zoe Saldana

Between her starring roles in Avatar, J.J. Abram’s Star Trek, and last year’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Zoe Saldana’s geek cred is unassailable. It would be great to have Sheldon, Leonard, and company flail over Saldana as a member of the Tribe of Nerd – not just as a sexy lady. And since Saldana seems like just the kind of actress Penny might want to emulate, maybe she can join in the action with a little fangirling of her own!

William Shatner

There is no question that the original Captain James T. Kirk would be a phenomenal coup for The Big Bang Theory – and the geeky gang’s reaction to the Star Trek icon would certainly be, well… out of this world. Co-star Leonard Nimoy has already lent his voice to a memorable episode, and Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting has spent time with Shatner while filming those weird Priceline commercials.

And the icing on the galactic cake? Shatner himself has indicated that he’d be up for an appearance!

So really the only thing left to say is, “Make it so!”

What stars would you want to see on ‘The Big Bang Theory’?