The geeky gang found themselves in a living-quarters crisis on this week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, and at least one member has earned a healthy fear of cheesecake.

Sheldon accidentally-but-not spoils a crucial development in the Harry Potter series (which we will not divulge here) for Leonard, who is reading the books for the first time. Leonard is furious and decides that he has had enough of living with Sheldon; his solution is to move in with Penny, who is less than thrilled with the idea but can’t rustle up the words to tell him so.

Meanwhile Amy, upon discovering the pending vacancy in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment, seizes the chance to move in with her boyfriend. Overwhelmed by Amy’s eagerness to be his ideal roommate, Sheldon is left speechless by her zealous determination.

Sheldon and Penny commiserate over their new and unexpected living conditions, and their respective inabilities to express why the situation bothers them. The conundrum comes to a head when Sheldon tells Amy that they can’t be roommates because Penny doesn’t want to live with Leonard. Penny admits the truth and pulls the same out of Sheldon; everyone is left a bit bruised around the romantic edges, but Leonard calls off his move and Sheldon might (maybe) (possibly) try to be a more considerate roommate.

Meanwhile, Raj agrees to spend time with Howard’s mother while Howard and Bernadette are away. But a friendly food-filled evening morphs into Ma’s attempt to recast Raj in the role of Howard, and he winds up locked in a struggle for his own freedom. It’s an amusing enough plot, but the best part is the almost-clear, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot of Ma Wolowitz bustling around her kitchen like a fuchsia-clad iceberg.

The Big Bang Theory will be back next week with a Valentine’s-centric episode, “The Tangible Affection Proof.” The official summary says:

While the guys try to give their significant others the perfect Valentine’s Day, Raj and Stuart throw a “lonely people” party at the comic book store.

Scrubs‘ Kate Micucci will guest-star as Lucy.

And on Feb. 21, “The Monster Isolation” will air:

After a terrible date, Koothrappali vows to never leave his apartment. Meanwhile, Penny actually impresses Sheldon with her acting skills.

The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on CBS.

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