Leonard and Sheldon tried really hard to break the law, while Amy shared surprising news on The Big Bang Theory 9×06, “The Helium Insufficiency.”

Desperate measures

Leonard and Sheldon’s award-winning superfluid theory makes a comeback in this episode, as the guys need liquid helium to test their hypothesis. Unfortunately, a nation-wide helium shortage is delaying their work — and a Swedish team of scientists is trying to beat the geeks to the punch.

Sheldon and Leonard try appealing to Barry Kripke for the helium, but Sheldon’s impressive misinterpretation of social cues strikes again. Unsurprisingly, Kripke refuses to help.

So, in spite of Sheldon’s reservations, the guys turn to Howard’s suggestion. They contact Kenny, a guy Howard knows, and meet him to acquire the helium illegally. Right off the bat, Sheldon’s anxieties assert themselves, and Kenny turns out to be no idiot.

Misunderstandings over the phrases “stalemate” and “Mexican standoff” turn into accidental threats, and Leonard has to appeal to Kenny’s scientific side in order to acquire for the helium.


Finally, the deal is done — but when Leonard and Sheldon get the gas back to the lab, Sheldon grows concerned about its original owners. He and Leonard chicken out and try to return the helium to Kenny, who extorts them for more money.

“You’re taking advantage of us?” Sheldon gasps, ever the bizarre innocent. “We clarified nomenclature together!”

“I enjoy semantic digressions as much as the next guy, but this is business,” Kenny says.

Back at the university, Kripke decides to offer the guys the helium — in exchange for adding his name to the paper. In other words, he’s trying to exploit them for credit on good work. This might be one of the lowest things Kripke’s ever done on The Big Bang Theory, but it turns out that Leonard and Sheldon aren’t that desperate.

Instead, they return to Kenny and buy the helium once again. And then the three mismatched intellects all hang out and watch Ernest Goes to Jail together.

Girl power

In this episode’s more emotionally pointed plot line, Penny and Bernadette decide to make Amy download a dating app that has worked for Stuart.

Amy is reluctant, but like all aggressively supportive girlfriends, Bernadette and Penny insist. Amy’s dating life turns into a group party, as her phone screen is projected on the TV and Howard, Stuart, and Raj all join in on the drinking game.

But the joke is on them when Amy gets a big-screen text message from “Dave,” asking her out — again. It turns out Amy’s tearful response to Sheldon’s dating news last week has spurred her to take action, and she has been going on a few dates, while keeping the gang in the dark.

Good for you, Amy. Who needs helium boy, anyway?

What are your thoughts on ‘The Big Bang Theory’ 9×06?