There has been a lot of speculation recently concerning who, other than Loki, the villain(s) would be in next summer’s The Avengers.  Some new Avengers video game images have been leaked online possibly confirming what villains we will see in the film.

Video game developer THQ were in the process of developing The Avengers video game-movie tie in, but because of some “corporate reshuffling” it was scrapped before even really taking off, but not before video game artists could work on some concept art for the game!

Check out the images below!

Normally video games aren’t covered here on Hypable, but what is interesting about these images is who Thor is fighting.  In recent leaked images and video from The Avengers Cleveland set, men in motion capture suits have been battling the Avengers, leading many people to believe that the threat will be extra terrestrial.  Mix in a crashed spaceship and some Alien weaponry, it has become pretty obvious that the villains won’t be of this world.

In these leaked video game images, Thor is fighting the Skrulls, a race of shapeshifting, power hungry aliens.  The Skrulls have been rumored to be the villains of the movie, and these images could confirm that. It is important to note, though, that in video game-movie tie ins, many times developers will add villains that aren’t included in the movie.

Do you think this proves that the Skrulls are in The Avengers? Let us know!

Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the images!