The Amazing Race season 25, episode 6, “I Feel Like I Just Kissed A Goat,” aired last night! Read our recap to find out which team got eliminated.

Active Route Marker

Kym and Ali depart first to work with the famous horse drawn carriages of Marrakesh. At the Active Route Marker they have to deliver two bags of hay to a stable, ride a carriage to a carriage stand and feed the horses apples. They decide to take a taxi and have no problem getting there.

Tim and Te Jay along with Shelley and Nicci decide to walk and quickly lose their way in the winding streets of Morocco. Maya and Amy are the last team to depart and also have a hard time finding their way.

Bethany and Adam arrive at the Active Route Marker first and get a head start but Kym and Ali are right behind them.

Once at the challenge, the dentists and the wrestlers have no problems with the hay. Bethany and Adam finish first and head towards a pottery stand for the next clue.

Tim and Te Jay finally find the right place and see Nicci and Shelley. They make a deal to work together. As they leave they run into Amy and Maya but don’t tell them where to go. Luckily, some local children help the Scientists find the way to go.


In “Camp” the teams will have to set up a traditional Berber camp. In “Cream” teams will have to milk a goat, then churn aged milk into 3oz of butter

Kym and Alli arrive first and chose to make cream. The Dentists chose camp, do they not remember how bad they were at setting up a Parklet? Bethany and Adam chose to try the cream challenge.

Kym finds that she is a natural at milking goats. Adam has a little more trouble. When the girls find out that the churning will take 45 minutes they decide to switch to the camp. But they struggle to actually put it all together and go back to their cream.

Adam and Bethany, Kym and Alli are churning butter at the same time. Robbie and Brooke struggle to milk the goats. And the Dentists actually manage to finish their camp.

At the cream challenge, Adam and Bethany finish as the Scientists arrive. Over at the camp Tim and Te Jay start working.

Tim and Te Jay manage to finish the detour in third place. Kym and Alli finish in fourth, Maya and Amy in fifth, Brooke in Robbie in sixth. Just as they leave Nicci and Shelly arrive and take on the cream challenge.

Road Block

At the Terres d’Amanar in the Atlas Mountains the teams must solve a wooden puzzle, then cross a deep canyon.

The Dentists arrive first and Misti decides to take it on. She somehow finds crossing the canyon exciting, whereas this writer would be freaking out. Misti also easily finishes the puzzle and jumps on the zip line.

Bethany and Adam arrive just at the Dentists are pulling out. Bethany decides to do the Road Block and has a bit trouble with the puzzle. She decides to use her feet and it helps her finish the puzzle.

Te Jay decides to do the Road Block even though he’s scared of heights. Alli isn’t scared of heights and easily crosses the rickety bridge. When she arrives at the puzzle they decide to work together. Alli figures it out and shows Te Jay how. Then they head down the zip line.

Although she’s a wrestler, Brooke is a whiny baby about the height of the bridge. As she’s working on the puzzle, Maya catches up to her. After struggling, Brooke finishes the puzzle. After getting a hint from Brooke, Maya also finishes the puzzle.

Shelley and Nicci don’t get to the Road Block until all the other teams have left.

Pit Stop

To finish the sixth leg of the race the teams must travel to Casbah D’If.

Jim and Misti arrive at the pit stop first and are greeted by Phil and a guy playing a musical instrument with a chicken on his head. They also win a trip to Brazil!

The remaining teams comes in the following places:

Second place: Bethany and Adam
Third place: Kym and Alli
Fourth place: Tim and Te Jay
Fifth place: Robbie and Brooke
Sixth place: Maya and Amy

Shelley and Nicci get to the Pit Stop in last place after a difficult day. They are eliminated from the race but are happy to have reconnected on the race.

What did you think of ‘The Amazing Race’ season 25, episode 6, ‘I Feel Like I Just Kissed a Goat’?