Last night on The Amazing Race season 25, episode 10, “Smells Like Dirty Tube Socks,” the teams got down and dirty in the Philippines. Read our recap to find out who got eliminated!

Route Marker

The teams were heading to Manila, Philippines and this time they’re on their own to book flights. The Surfers are more careful this week when they head to a travel agency and book the first flight, which will have them arriving at 11:00 p.m. in Manila. The Wrestlers also went to a travel agency, and the Scientists called from their cab. All three teams got on the same flight.

Misti and Jim decided to go straight to the airport – which caused them to miss out on the first flight and they had to book a later one. Moral of the story: Always book your flight as soon as possible.

But in the end it doesn’t really matter what flights the team took because when they get to the flower vendor near Baclaran Church they can’t get their clues until the next morning.

When they finally get their clues, they’re instructed to take a jeepney to Rosario Municipal Plaza. It seemed like only Amy and Maya really enjoyed the ride in the jeepney, which allowed them to connect with the locals. Meanwhile, the Surfers and Wrestlers couldn’t get over the smell of the city. Misti was brought to tears when she saw small children playing in the road, without clothes on, and with no adult supervision.


In Catch, the teams must carry buckets of fish from the marked Banca boats to the fish stalls on land. In Coach, the teams must attach a sidecar to a motorcycle. Only the Wrestlers choose to try Catch, reasoning that before the race they had decided to always go with the physical challenges.

Despite having to deal with monstrous waves, dirty water, and sharp stabs from the fish bones, their choice pays off. After three trips in the waves, Brooke and Robbie finish the detour and land themselves in first place.

Over at the Coach Detour, Adam got to show that he has talents, too. After revealing that he likes maintenance tasks, he has no problem getting the sidecar attached while Bethany takes the role of assistant.

Jim and Misti have a little more trouble putting the sidecar on, despite all their experience with putting toys together at Christmas. Really, they are so focused on the little details that they don’t notice Jim put on the shocks incorrectly.

The Scientists didn’t really have any issues putting their sidecar on; it just took them much longer because they weren’t used to using tools.

Active Route Marker

The Active Route Marker is a Switch-Back to the Ox challenge in season 5. The teams must use a plow and an ox to dig up their next clue in a rice field.

Brooke is so excited about being in first place that she doesn’t notice she’s picked the largest rice field to plow. Then she starts to panic when the rest of the teams show up and have much smaller fields.

Despite not knowing how to work their ox, the Dentists find the clue first. The Scientists follow quickly behind them, leaving Brooke in an even greater panic.

It came down to the Surfers and Wrestlers. Bethany calmly extracted the clue from the mud and headed out for the pit-stop just before the Wrestlers found their clue.


The Dentists placed in first for their fifth leg of the race, and clearly think they’re the bee’s knees. They’ve also won a trip to Vietnam.

The Scientists come in second place and tell Phil they believe they could be the first all-girl team to win The Amazing Race.

Although the Wrestlers thought they could beat the Surfers in a leg race, they didn’t. The Surfers got third place and the Wrestlers last place. But, not surprisingly, this is a non-elimination leg, so everyone gets to race another day.

Who do you think will be in the final 3 on ‘The Amazing Race’ season 25?