The 100 season 6, episode 4 “The Face Behind the Glass,” is a stunning, heartbreaking hour of television.

“The Face Behind the Glass”: an episode of The 100 as poetic as its title. A triumph of writing from Charmaine DeGraté that makes the characters of The 100 feel more real than they have in years, and a triumph of directing from Tim Scanlan, who captures both the emotional depth of the character moments and the stunning visuals of Sanctum.

The real star of The 100 season 6 continues to be the planet itself, which serves up one gorgeous shot after another. The show has completely changed up its look and feel this season, which might on paper seem like a risk, but it was exactly what The 100 needed at this point in its lifespan: light and color and scenic diversity and the promise of many more worlds to be explored.

But The 100’s reinvigoration in ‘Book 2’ does not only come from the visuals. The season so far, and “The Face Behind the Glass” in particular, proves that the new/returning writing staff has worked very hard to effectively steer the story and characters back on track after a season that was, while a necessary transition, rushed at best.

(Octavia’s Blodreina arc aside; that was a setup and payoff that giants like Game of Thrones could only dream of.)

This is the ‘reset’ we’ve been waiting for (and which we potentially projected onto season 5 without that really being what the writers intended). This is the reset few shows can successfully pull off six years into their run, and which The 100 arguably almost missed the turn on in season 5 before trying again and getting it right. Do you remember back in season 3, when my coverage of this show went from casual to invested to fiercely supportive? It was because I knew I was dealing with a show that made mistakes and recognized its mistakes and worked to do better. Just like its characters. And I was right. Season 6 is proof.

One third of the way through The 100 season 6, Sanctum has revealed itself to not be occupied by a peaceful commune of joy and happiness (I for one am shocked by this unexpected turn of events), but a group of technology-worshiping fanatics that follow their computer chip-imbued masters blindly.

But with cookies. The Grounders didn’t have cookies. The Grounders had roasted desert worms! What a glow-up.

As the mythology of the Eligius III mission and the Sanctum society begins to unfold, we learn that Russell and his fellow Primes are not just descendants of the original 12 missionaries: they are the missionaries, resurrected generation after generation into new and willing Nightblood bodies.

By Flame-looking Becca Pramheda computer chips. Because Becca Pramheda, of course, had her hands in all the cookie jars of creation.

Are we SHOOK? Are we SURPRISED? You bet! (Hey, I’m always surprised when I’m right.) This is a fabulous reveal of what will probably be many fabulous reveals in this fabulous season of The 100, and as I accidentally already talked about at length in last week’s review, I am thrilled that all the mythologies of this story tie together and that this kickass female scientist is behind all the tech that has shaped the new worlds.

(Btw, PSA: Making theories and predictions is not about outsmarting the narrative, it’s about the narrative being smart enough for us to enjoy every twist and turn even when it seems like a logical progression of a story we’ve been taught to understand. I’m happy that the story went where I suspected it would go, and I’m equally happy whenever the show surprises me.)

This year’s girl

So… RIP Clarke Griffin, who is definitely 100% completely dead and gone forever. Her fight is over, her watch has ended, she saved the world a lot, see her in another life brother, etc.

JK (JC), my reviews are too long as it is. 😜 I’ll miss Clarke while she’s gone, but I’m super stoked to see Eliza Taylor as Josephine for however long we get her.

Clarke somehow becoming a vessel for Josephine was something most fans began to suspect might happen the moment the words “Eliza Taylor” and “acting challenge” were uttered in the same sentence last year.

What we’ve been debating ever since has been how exactly it might happen. As it turns out, it all comes back to Becca and her world-shaping technology: the Primes have personality storage chips in their brains (I expect they were intended as a mission failsafe to preserve their discoveries and beam them back to a pre-apocalyptic Earth), something a lot like — but not quite the same as — the Flame, which is of course an independent AI that picks up consciousnesses as it goes.

Here’s what I presume to be the timeline, for anyone who might question the validity of this reveal: Becca worked on the Eligius missions and developed the memory storage chips for long-term space travel. The Eligius ships took off. Becca then developed ALIE, an independent AI created to save the world. After ALIE saved the world by ending it (oops), Becca spent her time on Polaris developing her masterpiece the Flame, which combined the two technologies of the Eligius chips and ALIE: memory storage and brain/chip integration + AI technology with a (debatably) philanthropic agenda.

The Prime chips, significantly, are unlike the Flame in that they don’t collect minds; they ‘replace’ one personality with the original one stored on their disks, but they do seem to continue to gather Prime data (memories) from body to body.

Whether the chips were ever intended to be passed from host to host, I don’t know. I suspect that was something Russell and/or Gabriel figured out how to do once the Eclipse fog cleared, but we’ll probably find that out in the next episode.

Is there any hope for the hosts’ original selves? That depends on how literally we are to take Russell’s claim that Gabriel’s serum really “erased” Clarke’s brain. I think that’s what he believes, and Clarke’s brain apparently did shut down for a while, which isn’t great, but I’m not sure if I buy that brains can really be wiped clean like that. I think the JoChip overrides Clarke’s existing ‘programming’, but Clarke’s own self is still there, locked away, sleeping or dreaming like the faces behind the glass of Jordan’s childhood.

(Maybe one of the reasons Gabriel defected or was cast out was even because he realised that he hadn’t really found a way to erase the hosts’ consciousnesses, and understood that every time they took a new body, they weren’t just killing someone and sending them to a ‘better place,’ but inflicting a lifetime of torture onto them.)

The Flame protects

The way I see it, there are two ways her friends could bring Clarke back. Either they use the Flame… or they use the Flame.

A theory that I can’t take credit for, but which my fellow reviewer Yana Grebenyuk shared with me and that I’ve seen floating around on social media, is that Clarke truly is gone and they’re going to restore her from a ‘backup’ that exists on the Flame, essentially ‘resetting’ Clarke to her season 3 self. Another variation of this theory comes through April Le, who speculates that Flame!Clarke will merge with the bit of Clarke that remains trapped inside her head. I definitely these theories are worth sharing. They did this exact thing in Dollhouse, so it’s not like there isn’t precedent for ‘resetting’ a brain using a previous copy.

Personally, I took Gaia’s words last week about how only one version of the mind could exist at once to mean that the Flame only copies the mind at the point of death. So, since Clarke didn’t die with the Flame in her head, it didn’t ‘take’ her mind and thus doesn’t contain a copy of her ready to be activated at the point of her own brain shutting down. (And how would it know?)

Similarly, if Madi took the Flame out of her head now, her consciousness would obviously remain inside her own head, and there wouldn’t also be a copy of her on the Flame — and if she then died without the Flame in her head, her mind wouldn’t suddenly materialise inside of it. I also wonder why the Flame would even want to retain the consciousness of a Commander that abandoned it. But again, these are just my thoughts. It’s sci-fi! It works how the writers want it to work.

The theory that I’m personally leaning more towards is that Clarke will not be restored from a copy inside the Flame, but rather remains locked away inside her own mind and the Flame will be used to save her. I figure the Flame, being of a similar design to the Prime chips but with advanced capabilities, can somehow be used to ‘combat’ the Josephine Chip — either ‘literally’ by sending the Commanders in to fight Josephine inside of Clarke’s head and free Clarke from her mind prison, or more scientifically by performing some sort of brain flush process that removes the Josephine Chip virus and repairs the damage, either on its own merit as Becca tech engaging with Becca tech, or through Flame!Becca’s guidance.

In order for them to successfully use the Flame, it would require Madi to first beat Sheidheda, which would essentially make her arc this season to save Clarke, and end with her no longer having the Flame in her head and becoming a child again, which would be a great storyline for her.

And it makes sense to me that the Flame and its resident Commanders would help Clarke regain control of her own mind (as opposed to copying a piece of itself into her). It is an AI designed to interface with the human brain and amplify what makes it good, after all. And Clarke is good — at least we know the Flame believes her to be. So the Flame will amplify the Clarke spark and give her strength to fight back, The Host-style. (Bonus theory: I bet the Flame can only be used once for this purpose, and the process will destroy it.)

Whatever happens, one thing is clear: this season is sparking a lot of great theories and ideas, and there is nothing I love more than when fiction makes me think. It’s not about being right (though it’s fun when it happens), it’s about letting other people’s art inspire your own imagination. So let yours run wild! I want to hear all your thoughts about how this will turn out.

Another thing that’s clear: Eliza Taylor is phenomenal. Her portrayal as Clarke has always been remarkable in its subtlety, and I’m thrilled she gets to take on a whole other, much more overt role in this universe. I can’t wait to see her at work.

’I won’t forget it again’ (sike!)

This was it. This was the moment when I realised why The 100 season 6 works so well on an emotional level. Beyond the gorgeous cinematography, the cool mythology, the lip service to Monty, and Jordan being adorable: what works is that people are finally speaking their truths to each other.

When Clarke got up from making the lantern, this is what I expected would happen: her cute new doctor friend would see her sad expression and ask her what was wrong. She would say something abstract about all her guilt, and he would say something abstract about absolution. They would bond. They would sleep together. He would die. Her confessions would die with him, leaving the status quo of Clarke’s stagnant relationships with the people that matter (to her and us) unchallenged.

Because, with all respect to the previous seasons, this is how it would have happened. Clarke has consistently bonded with fringe characters that promptly died while her rare heart-to-hearts with fellow main characters were cut off or left on a thematic level.

The 100 has always seemed a little afraid of letting its main character relationships advance out of their established comfort zones (even the antagonistic developments are loops of dynamics that have existed since the beginning), and Clarke has always gotten the shortest end of the relationship stick because any key dynamic shifts for her would upset the status quo the most. And so she has shared less and less of herself as the seasons have gone on.

But not in The 100 season 6, which is proving itself to be as fearless in its action/consequence developments as seasons 1 and 2. Clarke goes to Bellamy to talk about her guilt. She follows Raven to clear the air. (With, er, moderate success.) She doesn’t clamp up when Madi asks her a question. This season, Clarke Griffin doesn’t have one foot in the grave, and she doesn’t only bare her soul to ghosts, and this makes her feel so much more alive.


But now that those seeds have been planted, Bellamy and Raven (and Abby and Madi and Murphy, etc.) have the opportunity to return the favour by very literally saving Clarke’s soul and proving with actions, not words, what she means to them.

Clarke and Bellamy’s interaction was very lovely, for several reasons. For one, I appreciate that this is the particular mistake that Clarke feels a particular need to make amends for, because a) it is a really good indication that she’s trying to live in the present (working on the relationships she still has rather than regretting those she has lost), and b) by leaving Bellamy in that moment, she really did cross a line she had never crossed before.

(I still maintain that Bellamy going over Clarke’s head and risking Madi’s life, altering her brain and making her a huge target for Octavia is being brushed over way too neatly in order for the narrative to focus on Clarke’s guilt, but since this IS about Clarke’s guilt, let’s keep the focus on that.)

Clarke has made many hard choices in the past, but she has never had to choose one member of her family over another. (Going all the way back in season 2, Clarke shot through Lincoln to kill the Mount Weather scout because “you are my people.”) And the last time she held a gun to Bellamy, it was a character-defining moment because she didn’t pull the trigger.

Even if it wasn’t perhaps as elegantly done as it could have been, Clarke choosing Madi over Bellamy in season 5 was, intentionally, a huge turning point for her character and was meant to show just how ‘mama bear’ (ugh) she had become. Luckily, it was ultimately a turning point for the better, because while she might credit Monty with giving her a second chance, the second chance already came to her when Echo told her that Bellamy was still alive. It was her biggest mistake, the point of no return, but she got a do-over. And she took it.

Another reason why this moment was lovely was because it allowed these two characters who love each other to, well, love each other. Even I, a “known non-Blarke” (😘), can acknowledge that Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship has become kind of stunted in recent seasons because of the writers’ refusal to commit to a romance between them or definitively taking it off the table. (And I’m starting to believe that it’s too late to take it off the table.)

Making your main characters’ emotional truth a lingering unresolved mystery is risky at best, alienating at worst, particularly when their relationship has been canonically defined as the most important in the show. I feel like we’ve been asking (and been invited by the narrative to ask) the same question about this relationship for way too long, and I’m tired of having to infer my own interpretation of what they’re really saying without saying it whenever they’re in a room together.

This scene was refreshingly genuine and unrestrained, and I hope for a lot more raw emotion from these two moving forward, of whatever nature. Some of the best and most memorable moments in The 100 happen when Bellamy and Clarke bare their souls to each other, and this scene was a prime example. I don’t have a particular desire for their story to go one specific way or another, but I do have a desire for The 100 to be the best show it can be and for the story as a whole to be remembered as satisfying and rewarding once it is complete.

That also means that, if ever the right thing for the story is to make the romantic subtext into text, then I hope The 100 writers won’t resist such a development and sacrifice this story’s authenticity because of plot-extraneous reasons (like positive/negative fan response or what other stories have or have not done with their own characters). Just let the characters do what feels true to them and, most importantly, let them articulate that truth in a way that makes the audience understand, if not agree with, their emotional realities.

Unless Clarke is really dead in which case, uh… problem solved?

If you cry, they’ll hear you

And speaking of Bellarke, let’s talk about Echo.

In an episode full of so many amazing light and sweet moments, Echo’s tragic backstory and the pain she tries to choke back as she finally speaks it out loud (for probably the first time in her life) really struck a chord with me. I’m so happy that Tasya Teles finally gets such a lengthy scene where the focus is entirely on her and her character’s emotional state. It’s an important moment, and she totally nailed it.

I was particularly caught by that one beautiful, heartbreaking line: “If you cry, they’ll hear you.” If you’ve ever been in a situation where you’ve been struck by sudden horror/devastation and have had to clamp down on your guttural reaction, you get exactly what that line means. If any one sentence was going to sum up who Echo is and how she became this way, it would be that one. Masterfully written and masterfully performed and directed.

And this speech is a great way to position Echo as a character who has a near-unique perspective as everyone around her embrace their newfound emotional openness and actively work to let themselves feel things. Echo has spent her life learning how to shut down her emotions, and she’s gotten way too good at it. Mourning Monty and Harper is a thing Bellamy needs (almost demands) to share with her, but it’s not a thing she is capable of sharing with him.

And isn’t that telling? That even now, she can’t open that dam, to the point where it physically hurts her to try. Even after six years on the Ring. Even after supposedly finding a family. Even after making peace and falling in love with Bellamy. Even when a life of peace seems within her grasp. She still protects her own heart and it still hurts her to lay her past suffering open for Bellamy to see.

As others have said, the audience should have gotten this backstory a long time ago. And more importantly, Bellamy should have gotten this backstory a long time ago. I find it significant that he hadn’t. Not that you owe your significant other every part of your soul, but this huge, all-defining ‘origin story’ of what made her who she was kind of seems like it would have been shared in the name of their supposed all-consuming trust and forgiveness, no?

I have no doubt that Echo genuinely loves Bellamy and SpaceKru. And she does takes a big step forward in this episode, inspired by Bellamy’s honesty and her genuinely desire to let him in. But it doesn’t come naturally to her, and we might wonder how much of this conversation is really a breakthrough for her and how much of it is Echo wanting to give Bellamy what he wants — what Clarke just gave him; what Monty and Harper always gave freely — without being emotionally ready for it herself.

A few weeks ago, I called the show out on the fact that Echo only ever seemed to express emotions on other people (usually Bellamy)’s behalf, because my hackles rise whenever it feels like a female character only exists to serve a male character. But I stand corrected: as it turns out, Echo’s arc might just be about the fact that she projects and mirrors other people to avoid facing her own reflection. Like an………. echo?? (I’ll see myself out.)

In retrospect, it’s kind of neat to see how Echo’s emotional deflection and using sympathy as a self-defense mechanism has informed her character ever since the time jump, starting all the way back in the season 5 premiere when she was — yup — turning her own anxieties about going to the ground around and making it about Bellamy and Octavia.

I don’t know how much of this was a long-term plan and how much of it has been set up specifically for her season 6 arc, but at least her actions for the past few episodes have been intentionally setting up this confrontation where Bellamy, of all people, calls Echo out on making all of their emotional interactions about him (both to help him and to avoid making it about herself).

Now that Echo has opened up about her past, I hope this signals the start of her dealing with some of her present demons. First and foremost: the fact that she maybe-possibly (if we are to take anything away from the psychosis episode) has a soldier complex that diminishes her own self-worth and creates an unhealthy balance of power in her relationship with Bellamy.

I mean, there’s a reason they say you shouldn’t date your boss, right? While The 100 season 5 initially introduced Bellamy and Echo’s relationship as an established happy constant, there’s no reason to think season 6 will keep it that way. There are certainly things here that can’t go unexamined and one soul-baring confession doesn’t wash all the rest away.

I like both of these characters and I’m excited to see where this storyline goes. Whatever happens, I’m happy that Echo’s story is opening up and that we’re getting more insight into what has shaped her and how she experiences the world. More of this, please.

Girls, Interrupted

Can we just take a second and acknowledge this viscerally powerful image: this unbeatable, unbreakable woman, heavily pregnant, alone in a dark forest promising her unborn daughter that she’s going to teach her how to make a fire.

Already a fantastic character, Diyoza is only made more fantastic by Ivana Milicevic’s real-life pregnancy. The writers really took that development and ran with it in the right direction; there is something so wonderfully subversive about it being Diyoza, of all the show’s women, having a pregnancy storyline and redefining what a mother should or could be and how we expect a pregnant character to behave.

This is the mama bear storyline done right, in my opinion, and it fits the tone of the show and what I believe it is trying to say about women. I’m so glad Diyoza is the character from season 5 who (so far) has stuck around, and I’m so glad she and Octavia found their way into the same storyline. But I suppose Diyoza and Octavia were always a match made in heaven (hell?), and it really was inevitable that they would find their way to each other.

In this episode, Octavia continues her journey towards finding her way back to her own values and a fight that makes sense. Rose is a new iteration of the recurring kid character who our main characters reflect themselves and their own lost innocence in: Charlotte, Lovejoy, Soren, Aiden, Adria, Ethan.

Rose is someone Octavia sees herself in and someone innocent she can fight to protect. Her death represents a concrete loss and failure for Octavia which she can concretely regret and seek vengeance for. It’s a tangible way for her to actively take responsibility for a life and its value, and it frames an ‘us’ and a ‘we’ to give her purpose.

Rose’s death sends Octavia on her path to track down the Children of Gabriel, specifically Xavier, who ‘accidentally’ ‘dropped’ his knife by her feet and ‘accidentally’ facilitated Octavia’s escape.

Some Children of Gabriel wanted to kill Rose and the other hosts to stop the Primes resurrecting, but Xavier seems to have a different agenda. It seems these rebels might be a little split in their values, which might make Octavia’s quest to wipe them all out a little complicated.

Also, Xtavia endgame. 😉

Full steam ahead on the SS Raven

Octavia and Diyoza aren’t the only women to find their way to those sweet ancient transportation devices that were all the rage 300 years ago. Raven’s discovery of the broken motorcycle (and the Prime who owns it) allows her to maintain an emotional connection to Shaw even while decidedly moving forward with her own life and storyline.

I’ve said my piece on Shaw’s departure. What’s done is done, and it was out of the writers’ hands, and I want Raven to live among the living and achieve some form of happiness. (Whatever that word means on this show.)

I also want her to be heavily involved with saving Clarke, as a way to bridge the seemingly insurmountable gap between them — and if the Flame and Becca’s tech is involved, it’s hard to imagine that she won’t be.

Especially now that she has another personal connection to the Prime storyline through Wick 2.0, who clearly isn’t super thrilled with his family business. He’s probably going to turn out to be an ally to our heroes and an eventual love interest for Raven, which I’m perfectly happy with.

I also appreciate that Raven was clearly more attracted to the motorbike than anything else. I just want Raven and Octavia and Diyoza and Clarke and Emori and Echo and Madi and Abby and Gaia and Indra and Niylah and Ghost Harper and Simone (your honor: I love her) to ride motorcycles and find out what else this moon has to offer, is that so much to ask?

And let’s not overlook the significance of the fact that Raven changes up her hair! It’s something that annoys me in general about TV ‘looks’ — a character is stuck with one hairstyle all season for continuity purposes when in reality, women put their hair up and down a million times a day — but it also serves to symbolize that Raven isn’t going to be stuck in the same emotional place she was at the top of the season.

Clarke and Raven’s confrontation was great, too, for all that it wasn’t the happy let’s-work-together-forever-just-gals-being-pals resolution I might have hoped for. For one, these two haven’t had a significant private interaction since (I believe) season 2, so it’s nice of the show to prioritize their connection for a change. Second, Raven is probably the only character (aside from Bellamy) who I really buy to be as betrayed by Clarke’s actions as SpaceKru collectively seems to be.

Raven and Clarke were true friends once, if only for a hot second at the end of season 1. Raven has assisted Clarke in a lot of her impossible choices. Raven had an expectation that Clarke would, as she once promised, pick her and their shared people first. Raven and Clarke’s interaction here is very reminiscent of Clarke and Monty’s confrontation in the season 4 episode “A Lie Guarded,” when Monty called Clarke out on her actions from a similar place of expected trust and camaraderie.

It would be disingenuous for their wounds to heal with an “I’m sorry,” and I’m glad it wasn’t that easy. But let’s hope this wasn’t the final opportunity for Clarke and Raven to have a healing conversation.

Jordan and Delilah, too pure for this world

Jordan’s speech about the faces behind the glass might go down as one of my favorite scenes in The 100 history. What a beautiful way to articulate his bizarre and lonely childhood — economical dialogue, like Echo’s, but incredibly effective. And what a performance from Shannon Kook, who continues to prove that he was the perfect choice for this role.

With this speech, The 100 also manages to tie in the episode storyline to a character’s emotional journey in a more elegant way than has been done in the past. It’s unique. It’s specific. It’s character-building. It’s… sexy?

Delilah sure seems to think so, anyway. Oh, Jordelilah, like two ships in the night. These actors sold their sweet little romance so well in such a short amount of time, and I was fully on board — and fully ready to get crushed by Delilah’s inevitable erasure.

Delilah, like Rose, was doomed by her blood and raised (much like the Grounders’ Nightblood children) to believe that being marked for death was an honor. She was not happy with her fate, but she was resigned to it. Meeting Jordan in the 11th hour of her life was almost a cruel twist of fate, because it reminded her of everything she was going to lose. Her final moments before entering what is essentially a slaughterhouse captured her innocence, her helplessness and her resignation to a fate she had been taught was inevitable.

These Primes are so consumed by their own self-importance that they brainwashed an entire population and groomed them into placid subservience in order to harvest their rare Nightblood offspring. And not just a few out of many: for the past few generations, as fewer and fewer Nightblood children have been born, they’ve probably harvested every single one, as early as they could.

Which begs the question: why isn’t everyone on Sanctum Nightbloods? Is the gene so recessive that the trait vanishes quickly over a handful of generations? Or were the embryos they brought from Earth ‘redbloods,’ while only the 12 original Primes were Nightbloods? (And, in that case, all the Nightblood hosts that were subsequently born on Sanctum must be distantly related to one of the original Primes, which essentially means that the Primes are hollowing out their own descendants to prolong their own lifespans.)

And, in the same vein (pun intended): have the Primes ever reproduced naturally in host bodies? Can they? I almost don’t want to know the answer.

One of the best scenes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in the season 1 finale, when Buffy had a choice between letting the world end or walking to her prophesied death because she was The Chosen One and it was her duty. “I’m sixteen years old,” she said. “I don’t wanna die.”

The inevitability of Delilah’s death, and the fact that she walked to it willingly, realizing in that moment how much she had to live for, was just as tragic. And I like the twist on The 100‘s version of this story: that it isn’t main character Clarke who gets to have this heartbreaking choice, but Delilah; that it is Jordan, not Bellamy/Abby/Madi/etc who has to live with the knowledge that his loved one is gone because of a choice she made (however much she was manipulated into making it).

Just as Buffy stood in for all the Slayers who had come before, Delilah stands in for all of the innocent hosts whose tragedies we didn’t get to see. All of those skeletons now standing in a dark room, who willingly went to their slaughter for the demons who masked themselves as gods. Delilah existed to show us the horror of fervent devotion when you’ve grown up in cult-like religious circumstances, and she existed to be human, full of sweetness and hope and doubt. And in those last moments, she was afraid.

I think Delilah is truly gone. I don’t see them saving her as well as Clarke, it would be too fairytaley (plus, again, I think the Flame only works once). I sure hope I’m wrong, because I love her, but I suppose her being saved would also take away from the heartbreak of her life and story as told in these past two episodes.

(Ashleigh LaThorp, by the way, is another absolutely brilliant casting choice. Eliza Taylor is going to be incredible as Josephine, but I’m amazed by how fundamentally different Priya VII was to Delilah in just a few seconds of screentime. She looked instantly older, colder, wiser and more self-centered. I hope we get to keep her for a few episodes at least.)

For now, Delilah’s ‘death’, permanent or otherwise, leaves Jordan with his first heartbreak and a front row seat to the Prime masquerade. Jordan and Raven have both been set up to be personally interested in the Prime families (aside from Clarke), which is super cool.

I cannot wait to see this story unfold.

For your consideration

‘The 100’ season 6, episode 5 airs Tuesday at 9/8c on The CW

What did you think about “The Face Behind the Glass”?