The 100 3×15 was the second-to-last episode of the season. It was intense, emotional, and fills me with worry about all my faves. Just another day on the ground.

Okay, first thing’s first.

Google define: Instantiation.

“Instance can generally refer to any running process, or specifically to an object as in an instance of a class. Table instance (or database instance), a concept in database design; see Row (database) Instantiation of an object.”

Yah okay smartypants show, now use it in a sentence. ?

Anyway. IS INDRA DEAD?! She’s totally dead. UGH, why can’t we have nice things!! This was the perversest of instantiations indeed.

But despite me now being forever broken inside because my faves keep dying, I really enjoyed this episode. Let’s dive in.

Jonty: The Movie

This was the last one before the last one. The one where we get to feel ALL the feels and fear ALL the fears. But honestly, this is probably one of the episodes I’ve enjoyed the most this year — it didn’t f*** around, and we had so many fantastic character bonding moments (most significantly Murphamy, of course!)

Although you can’t accuse this episode of being in any way the calm before the storm, as pre-finale episodes often are, the characters (and viewers) were allowed a few glimpses of quiet to reflect on how far they’ve come.

In Arkadia, although Jasper was chipped (I’m glad they didn’t wait with that reveal, it was so obvious), he and Monty did share some very important bonding moments. Although Jasper’s newfound peace is bullshit, his feelings about Maya and Shay is not. What happened at Mount Weather broke him. For a hot second, Luna’s people seemed welcoming, peaceful, and I honestly think they were his last chance at a happy ending.

Plain and simple, Jasper can’t make it on the ground. He doesn’t have the self-preservation. He’s too affected. He was only really happy in Mount Weather, which wasn’t just to do with Maya — he felt safe there. And Shay’s death represented the death of the last hope for him. When he told Monty, “They sent us down here to see if the ground was survivable. From what I’ve seen, it’s not,” he was 100% speaking about himself.

Jasper, un-chipped Jasper, won’t survive the cruel reality of the ground. I’m very, very worried for Jasper. He might just be the one delinquent who genuinely breaks, psychologically, from the trauma they’ve all endured. I know everyone thinks he’s dying in the finale, and that very well could happen. But what if he stayed alive? That would, arguably, be more painful to watch (and we know The 100 likes to make us suffer).

For now though, Jasper gets to do his best Jack Nicholson impression as he tries to intimidate Monty and Raven into destroying Raven’s ALIE-busting tech. And I really appreciate that Monty doesn’t break. He and Raven have a very interesting relationship — of course, now that Jasper has Harper I do wonder if Monty won’t be tempted to turn on her, but for now, they’re standing together in this. #techbros for life.

You will meet a tall dark stranger

I love how, when Clarke first encounters Roan in the woods, he’s halfway to Robin Hooding his way into her heart, and then Bellamy is all like “hey I shoot people too, check it out!” Boys with their toys, amIrite?

Even if ALIE hadn’t been listening in on their plans though, I don’t see how this one ws meant to succeed. Roan is basically going to march into ALIEland and hope Ontari walks out alone and then he’s gonna… give ALIE exactly what she wants? Considering how ALIE’s cronies tried to force Luna to take the chip and then wanted her to take the Flame, wouldn’t it be super counterproductive to Flame Ontari when she’s already chipped?

Edit: Thanks for pointing out that they had the bracelet for that. That makes more sense! Still pretty risky to assume they’d have time for all of that before ALIE seized them, but desperate times, I guess.

Of course the plan includes Roan taking the Flame, and Clarke just isn’t willing to let Lexa out of her sight — and I just love her devotion to this tiny speck of hope that Lexa’s legacy, if not her soul, still lives on somewhere — so she decides to go with Roan to Polis.

In Polis, Jaha leads the welcoming party (is this the first time Clarke has seen Jaha since the Ark?!), and then KANE SHOOTS ROAN! Roan better not be dead, you guys. The show needs him. But then, I say that about everyone.

What hurts the most

They take Clarke away, and then she is tortured. By her mother. Let’s just take that in for a second. This show is CRUEL, you guys.

Considering what they told us last week about the minds literally being uploaded into the City of Light, it makes sense that the ALIE puppets are essentially that: ALIE controls them completely, pulling in memories and mannerisms at will. It’s kind of like the vampires in Buffy, who might act and think like their human selves but their “souls” are in fact gone, replaced by a demon.

After only a few cuts, thank god, Abby rightly figures out that Clarke won’t give up the Flame to save herself, and (I like to think a spark of her also wanted to spare Clarke) suggests they bring in her friends — specifically Bellamy — to speed the process along. Because Abby knows Bellamy is Clarke’s weakness, like Raven knew Bellamy cared about Clarke.

I’m seeing a trend here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m seriously beginning to wonder if ALIE isn’t just a hardcore Bellarke shipper on a mission.

Elevator music

But not so fast, ALIE! For the Suicide Squad is here to save the day!

I absolutely adore the Pike-Indra-Murphy team-up, messed up as it is, and I love how Murphy is essentially the one who gets to save Bellamy this time. How far these guys have come.

Octavia of course is less than happy to see Pike, and tells Indra what he did to Lincoln. But Indra has a newfound perspective: Much like Clarke, she is willing to do anything to take down ALIE, and insists they work together.

The plan is to send Bellamy and Murphy up in the elevator, by turning the frozen donkey wheel (isn’t this how you move the Island?). Bellamy and Murphy get off on the wrong floor and accidentally end up in The Walking Dead, but it’s okay — the basement dwellers get the wheel spinning again, and Bellamy even gets to save Murphy from being choked to death! And shoots an innocent to save him! The Murphamy Intensifies.

The pair have a great conversation about both having someone they care about up in that tower (where is Emori, anyway?), and even a shoulder-grab! I’m a SUCKER for full circle storytelling, and at this point, I’m definitely seeing major parallels between season 1 Bellamy and season 3 Murphy. Not in terms of their positions or backgrounds, but in terms of their attitudes towards the larger group.

In season 1, Bellamy was there for Octavia, like Murphy is here for Emori. But, like Bellamy, Murphy is clearly beginning to care about the others as a result. I wonder if the show is planning to continue that development in season 4… or, you know, just have him lose Emori and regress. We’ll see.

We could have had it AAALLLLL

In the basement, Octavia and Indra have a beautiful conversation that, let’s face it, most certainly spells Indra’s doom.

Earlier, Octavia overheard Miller and Bryan planning their idyllic future (another doom-speller — don’t these people watch TV?!), and more than anything I think it just forced Octavia to reckon with everything she’s lost. Lincoln wasn’t just her first love; as she tells Indra, “he was my home.” For the first time, Octavia was loved not despite of what she was (a second child, a responsibility) but because of who she proved herself to be.

But as Indra reminded her, in an uncharacteristically tender moment, Lincoln wasn’t all she had. And, no matter what happens to Indra, I think it’s important for Octavia to realise that everything she’s done, everything she’s become, has been her doing. As dumb as it sounds, Octavia really doesn’t need no man, be it Lincoln or Bellamy, in order to feel like she belongs somewhere.

Indra, of course, unhelpfully goes and jumps to her probable death to save Kane (? ? ? ?). If she’s truly gone, I think Octavia might take off at the end of the season, Clarke style. Maybe she’ll join Luna, or the Ice Nation. Wherever she goes, I just want the show to follow. (Octavia is my fave, if that wasn’t clear.)

Meanwhile in the death chamber, Abby is hanging herself and Clarke still won’t give up the Flame! Her commitment is truly incredible, and my heart just broke for her in this scene. Luckily Bellamy and Murphy arrive just in time to save Abby — but not before Jaha clubs Ontari over the head, and she is rendered brain dead.

Yeah. There’s no way this is gonna end well.

For your consideration

Next week on ‘The 100’ season 3 finale (don’t make me spell it again)

I can’t BELIEVE we have to wait a week for the finale! Part 1 perfectly set up the big ALIE showdown, and made me at once super anxious and super excited to see how it all ends.

The promo reveals Clarke going into the City of Light, and it looks like Abby got her mind back (does that happen when you almost die?). We always knew it would come to this. Rooting for you always, Clarke.

Now’s the time for all those last-minute theories and predictions for the season 3 finale! So let’s hear it!

What did you think about ‘The 100’ season 3, episode 15?