The eldest Blake has had his ups and downs since landing on the Ground, but Bellamy has always been a reliable source of wise words when we are most in need on The 100. Here’s our favorite Bellamy Blake quotes.

Whether you love him, hate him, or love to hate him, Bellamy Blake has had some incredibly poignant and memorable quotes during his time on the ground.

Sometimes it’s a moment of clarity in a storm of uncertainty, and sometimes it’s just Bellamy making sure that everyone knows the score, but he almost always has something important to say when decisions are being made.

Here are just a few of Bellamy’s quotes, and some of our absolute favorites from ‘The 100’.

Bellamy Blake quotes

Down here, weakness is death, fear is death.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 3

And he doesn’t even truly know what those words mean yet. Season 1 is so many crises and terrible consequences ago, it’s hard to remember how desperate things seemed, especially considering the tragedy that’s before Skaikru now.

Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you’re awake, they won’t be there to get you in your sleep.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 3

This is one of the wisest and, sadly, misunderstood quotes from Bellamy. It’s brave to face and slay your demons, but when Charlotte takes his words literally, we said goodbye to Wells in one of the show’s first brutal slayings.

Who we are, and who we need to be to survive are very different things

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 7

So, so true, and yet, trying to survive while keeping their values intact at their core is what makes the moral dilemmas at the heart of The 100 so moving.

My mother, if she knew what I’ve done, who I am. She raised me to be better. To be good. And all I do is hurt people. I’m a monster.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 8

Bellamy has had his ups and downs, but when we saw him hallucinate and admit what he thinks of himself in season 1, we had a moment. This was one of the first moments of weakness, and it softened many hearts toward the stowaway.

If you’re looking for someone to talk you down, tell you that you’re just upset and not thinking straight, I’m not that guy.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 11

Bellamy has definitely always had a strong idea of who he is and where he belongs. Situations may have complicated his views of himself since (especially the events of season 3), but he’s always been honest about the kind of man he is.

This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall, in this ground. Our ground! The Grounders think they can take that away? They think that because we came from the sky we don’t belong here! But they have yet to realize one very important fact. We are on the ground now. And that means *we* are Grounders!

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 12

When ‘the 100’ stopped being criminal teenagers and transformed into a people that belonged on the ground and were willing to fight for their right to survive, we all knew that this show had more going for it than any other CW show on the network.

Listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born, the truth is, it didn’t start until then.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 13

The Blake siblings and how they relate to each other have been one of The 100‘s greatest assets from the outset. Watching the Ark’s only siblings learn how to navigate freedom and life on the ground in addition to their relationship will always be one of my favorite dynamics on this show.

I say, screw fear. I’m telling my own damn story.

‘The 100’ Season 1, Episode 13

This isn’t always the mantra that Bellamy lives by, since he lets fear rule him more often than he’d like to admit, but when he finds the strength to choose against his fears and trust people like Clarke to lead him into the light, he’s at his best.

If you need forgiveness, I’ll give that to you. You’re forgiven.

‘The 100’ Season 2, Episode 16

The first time we heard this quote come from Clarke to Bellamy, we were touched, but hearing him deliver it back to her was heartwrenching. Their ability to give peace and understanding to each other when no one else understands their guilt is yet another one of the many things that make this show great.

My sister, my responsibility.

‘The 100’ Season 2, Episode 16

It may not be particularly wise, or even true anymore, but we couldn’t leave one of Bellamy’s most uttered phrases off the list.


‘The 100’ Season 3, Episode 16

With one word, we watched as Bellamy chose to help ease the burden of saving their people from Clarke’s shoulders. He may have made it seem like he was doing it because of his responsibility to Octavia, but he knew that Clarke needed someone to share the pain and responsibility that came with ending the lives of the Mountain Men and choosing to save their people.

I was so angry at you for leaving. I don’t want to feel that way anymore.

‘The 100’ Season 3, Episode 13

The 100 season 3 was rough for Bellamy fans. He made a lot of unpopular (and just plain wrong) decisions out of fear and anger that we wish he never would have made, but now we wait to see him find redemption.

O, listen to me. I know how you feel. I let my need for revenge put me on the wrong side. I don’t want that for you.

‘The 100’ Season 3, Episode 16

When Bellamy finally pulled himself together and saw the wrongs he was responsible for, we got gems like this quote. There are so many reasons to be furious with Bellamy at this point, but seeing him trying to help Octavia avoid the darkness looming before her is just one step in the right direction for the eldest Blake.

If you’re wrong and there is a hell… then I guess I’ll see you there.

‘The 100’ Season 4, Episode 3

We knew that season 4 Bellamy was going to be trying to pull himself up after his poor decisions made in the beginning of season 3. This is just one example of how he will never let himself off the hook for the mistakes he made, including the slaughter of those 300 Trikru soldiers.

If I’m on that list, you’re on that list.

‘The 100’ Season 4, Episode 3

When Clarke insisted that Bellamy deserved a place on the survivors list, we knew that he wouldn’t allow her to leave herself off. These two are better together, balancing the other’s shortcomings and finding ways to handle problems and make the seemingly impossible choices.

“You can execute them because they’re the enemy or you can break the cycle. You can be better than them. You can be better than us. The choice is yours, Heda.”

‘The 100’ Season 5, Episode 13

This is perhaps the wisest thing Bellamy has ever said. Madi definitely needs a little guidance to become the Heda that Wonkru needs, not just the one the flame can make her, and Bellamy’s wisdom allows her to choose how she will lead. It would have been easy to unleash the power of Wonkru’s army on the remaining Eligius soldiers, but the easiest path is not always the best, and I was so proud when Madi made the right choice here.

“If you do this, there is no coming back.”

‘The 100’ Season 5, Episode 10

How would you even consider coming back from sending your own brother into the fighting pits? The 100 has a knack for putting its characters into impossible situations, and this quote from season 5 illustrates yet another. Bellamy is trying to talk some sense into his sister, but she is so far from the girl he looked after that I’m not sure there’s anything he could say to change her mind.

“I’m not leaving my friends! I can’t do that again.”

’The 100’ Season 5, Episode 13

I mean, is there any greater moment for this insanely complex character? Bellamy has come a long way from “Whatever the hell we want,” and that is no more perfectly illustrated than in this moment when he is willing to put his life on the line to save his friends.

He would never have sacrificed himself if he hadn’t been through all the things that 5 seasons of The 100 have put him through. I’m so unbelievably fond of the eldest Blake, and I marvel at how far he’s come since Octavia stepped out of that drop ship so many years ago.

“We do that too unless the people we care about are in trouble. Then we do what has to be done.”

’The 100’ Season 6, Episode 9

Danger is just another day in the life of one of the 100. It took them forever to get to the ground, they’ve fought everyone from Grounders to warring factions on a new planet, and they still can’t stop getting in each other’s way. This line from Bellamy perfectly describes what we’ve watched take place for the last 6 seasons, and what will undoubtedly persist into The 100 season 7.

“You’re my sister. But you’re not my responsibility. Not anymore.”

’The 100’ Season 6, Episode 11

Bellamy has always saddled himself with taking responsibility for everything that Octavia does, but, after all that happened in The 100 season 5, I’m glad that he’s found a way to separate what he is actually responsible for and what he’s not. Octavia is her own woman and has made her own choices, and the consequences for her actions absolutely should not fall on his shoulders anymore.

What are your favorite Bellamy Blake quotes from ‘The 100‘?