Yes, there’s going to be a movie based on Tetris. No, we don’t know why.

In all fairness this could be the next big blockbuster, so we should just stop laughing and fall into place.

But in case you haven’t heard, there really is a movie in progress about the game Tetris. So far, we know next to nothing about the movie — including the plot, the characters, or the cast. We do know, however, that Larry Kasanoff is the man bringing the movie to life. Or, should I say, the trilogy.

Speaking to Empire Online, Kasanoff says he wants to make a trilogy “purely because the story we conceived is so big.”

As for what this movie could be about, very few people know at this point. “We’re not going to have blocks with feet running around the movie,” Kasanoff emphasizes. It will be a sci-fi extravaganza, with the central theme reflecting the main goal of the game: creating order out of chaos.

“I guarantee you it’s not what you think,” he tells Empire. “No-one has come remotely close to figuring out what we’re doing.”

Casting is underway, though there’s been little talk as to who may be joining this potential franchise.

On the one hand, this is definitely an intriguing idea. If Kasanoff thinks he’s got a trio of stories to tell in this universe, it must mean he’s fleshed the world out enough to make it feel substantial. It can be difficult enough to come up with a unique concept for a single movie, let alone three of them, so if he’s thought this through as much as it sounds, perhaps we should wait to see what happens.

On the other hand, Pixels sits at an astoundingly low 17% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and video game movies haven’t exactly had a strong track record. To sell a concept like Tetris, you’re gonna need to have a solid story to present to critics and audiences alike.

Would you watch a trilogy of movies about ‘Tetris’?