Season 3 filming begins today for Teen Wolf. Amidst our excitement over this little fact, we decided to come up with 10 questions that we would love to see answered next year! Are you listening, Jeff Davis?

There are tons of questions we want to know the answers to, and a lot of them we’re certain will be answered once season 3 airs sometime in the spring or summer. But there are other nagging subjects we’d like to see addressed that might not be acknowledged until much later on. Either way, here’s our wish list:

ONE: What is the Sheriff’s first name?

Only Stilinski Sr. actor Linden Ashby knows. Well, and probably Jeff Davis. Still, the Stilinskis apparently have a thing about names because we don’t know Stiles’ first name either. But we don’t really think we’re going to be getting an answer to that anytime soon. The Sheriff, however, is a whole different story.

Our guess: We don’t have a specific guess, mind you, because that would just be a shot in the dark. But our prediction is that it is something equally as strange as Stiles’ first name is rumored to be. Maybe it’s a Stilinski family tradition to give their sons the strangest, most unpronounceable names possible. And, when Stiles’ mother decided to name her son after her father, the Sheriff agreed.

TWO: How does the vet know the Hales?

We still don’t know who Dr. Deaton really is or why he knows so much about werewolves. He hinted at the fact that he knew the Hales and used to help them quite frequently. But what kind of relationship did he actually have with the family? Could he have been a hunter or is he, perhaps, something we’ve never seen before?

Our guess: Deaton was a werewolf hunter who went soft. He realized that not all werewolves were bad people and decided to stop prosecuting them and start helping them. He knew the Hales were a good family – consisting of both werewolves and humans – and decided to do whatever he could to keep them safe.

THREE: Who is Greenberg and why does Coach hate him so much?

He seems like a perfectly nice individual, after all. He always does the reading in economics and never talks back, no matter how many times Coach tells him to take an extra lap. So why does Coach always single him out?

Our guess: Well, there was that one time Greenberg started a pink eye epidemic. But we know the anger at Greenberg started well before that. Perhaps he interrupted his Independence Day speech one year? Maybe Coach just doesn’t like brown-nosers. Maybe there actually isn’t a reason, and it just developed out of boredom and frustration. And we’d be kind of okay with that. We like Coach best when he’s irrationally angry anyway.

FOUR: Who are Jackson’s parents?

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding Jackson right now, especially with the whole ‘he-has-blue-eyes-but-apparently-he’s-not-a-born-werewolf-so-there-goes-all-our-theories’ thing. Yeah, we’re leaving that one off the table right now. But we’re curious about his parents. Perhaps they were normal people, or perhaps they were something more…

Our guess: What if Jackson’s parents were werewolf hunters? What if the car accident was actually a premeditated attack from a werewolf? How ironic, then, that their son would become a werewolf. Despite the fact that we probably won’t be seeing Jackson this season, it would be neat to learn he’s got some distant werewolf hunter family members that have decided to track him down and welcome him to the family business, only to be surprised by what he’s become.

FIVE: Is there a cure in Lydia’s blood?

We all know Lydia is different. But just how different is she? She’s immune to The Bite and has a strange connection to Peter, to say the least. But could her blood actually be the answer Scott has been looking for?

Our guess: Yes. What a thing to dangle in front of Scott – the solution to his nightmares is inside one of his friends’ veins. Of course, he doesn’t have to kill her to get to it. But if he does take the cure, he’s essentially out of commission. And what happens if word about a cure gets out to other werewolves? We don’t think they’d be satisfied with just letting her walk. No, they’d either all converge on her (wanting it for themselves), or they’d see it as a weapon someone could use against them and want to destroy her.

SIX: What’s Peter’s endgame?

Because we all know he has one. He’s been perfectly content to sit on the sidelines ever since he came back. But no one relinquishes the power of the Alpha willfully, and you better believe he’ll have something up his sleeve once the opportunity presents itself. The question is, what is it?

Our guess: Peter knew that the kanima was going to attract attention from some unwelcome sources. Whether or not he knew it would be an Alpha Pack is anyone’s guess, but Peter is all about self-preservation. He didn’t want to become Alpha again right away because he knew that would make him a target for the Alpha Pack. But once they’re out of the picture, we’re sure he’ll make his move.

SEVEN: How did Stiles’ mother die?

We doubt that it has any plot significance, but we’d still really like to know the answer to this question, if only for some more background information on our favorite character. Whatever did happen, we think Stiles’ mother’s death had a profound effect on him. It would be nice to find out what his life was like as a child and see how he changed because of it.

Our guess: We know there are a lot of theories roaming around the Internet, but we’re going to part ways with one of the most popular ones for our guess. We think Stiles’ mother died of a heart attack. Maybe Stiles believes he was too much to handle as a kid, and feels like he could’ve had a part in her death (hence the guilt we see late in season 2). It could also explain his degree of worry when it comes to his father’s safety, as well as his incessant pleas that his father eat healthier.

EIGHT: Is Gerard still human?

We know Gerard is alive, despite the fact that he was injected with mountain ash and bitten by a werewolf. What we don’t know, however, is what he’s become. That concoction can’t be good for the system, and it begs the question, is he still human? Is he a werewolf? Or is he something else?

Our guess: Gerard is not quite human, not quite werewolf. He’s some sick mixture of both that’s more volatile and more dangerous. He’s a ticking time bomb. He might not come back into the game until much later on in the season, but when he does, we’re predicting that he’s going to throw our favorite characters one wicked curve ball.

NINE: Will Sheriff Stilinski become aware of the werewolves?

More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that something supernatural is going down in Beacon Hills. Mama McCall is in on the secret, as well as so many of the other adults: Mr. Argent, the vet, the guidance counselor. Isn’t is the Sheriff’s turn?

Our guess: Yes. We think this season will finally be the season that the Sheriff gets dropped right into the middle of it. The Alpha Pack is in town and we’re sure they’re not exactly going to stay quiet. They’re in Beacon Hills to cause trouble, and that’s bound to get noticed. Past seasons have seen our characters contemplating the idea of telling him, and we think the events that unfold next year will finally drive them to do it.

TEN: What other creatures are contained in the bestiary?

Come on, now. You didn’t think it was just about werewolves and kanimas did you? There’s got to be loads of other creatures stored on that flash drive, but what kinds? Where do they come from? And, more importantly, do any of them still exist?

Our guess: So far, we know that both the werewolf and the kanima are shape-shifters. Perhaps, in this world, that’s the only sort of supernatural creature that exists. And, in this case, maybe we can expect other monsters such as a wendigo, a skin-walker, or even people who can turn into other animals (not just a wolf).

What questions do you want to see answered next season?