Glee ends forever this evening, and in advance of the two-part series finale, we’ve got some questions that we hope to see answered.

We’re getting ready to say goodbye to Glee. Last week’s episode, “We Built This Glee Club,” marked the end of the story’s current timeline, and the two hour Glee series finale will consist of a flashback to the pilot in “2009” and a flash forward to the future in “Dreams Come True.” Here’s a few of the questions we want answers for before New Directions take their final bow.

What was Artie’s audition song?

In the original pilot, we saw the glee club auditions for four of the five original New Directions – Rachel with “On My Own,” Kurt with “Mr Cellophane,” Tina with “I Kissed A Girl,” and Mercedes with “Respect.” However, we didn’t see Artie’s try-out, so if “2009” is filling in the gaps we didn’t see in “Pilot,” this seems like a no-brainer. Fortunately, if you’ve been keeping an eye on behind-the scenes media, it looks like we’ll be getting this wish.

The flashback: What about Finn?

“2009” has the potential to include some heartbreaking moments to rival “The Quarterback,” because instead of watching the cast grieve Finn, we’ll be watching them pretend that he’s still alive, just down the hall. We’re curious about how this is going to be handled and whether it will feel right or not. We hope it doesn’t end up cheesy, as this is Glee’s last opportunity to pay tribute to Cory Monteith and the impact he had on not only the pilot, but the whole show.

How did Puck and Quinn start out?

One of season 1’s major plotlines was obviously Quinn’s babydaddy drama — she got pregnant by Puck while dating Finn. Quinn and Puck finally ended up together after years of struggle, but it was always clear that he loved her right from the start. The show did flash back to their initial hookup once, but it was not particularly well handled. Puck, at least, is in the flashback episode, and we want to see some hints of his genuine feelings for Quinn.

Sue: Good or Evil?

Sue Sylvester has always been a loose cannon, with grave and emotional stories interspersed with some of the craziest and most absurd antics on television. Season 6 was the time for Glee to finally tell us how they want us to remember Sue — as a human being or as a comedy nemesis? But frankly, we’re still confused. The last few episodes seem to have implied that she is genuinely unhinged and a compulsive liar, but it ain’t over til it’s over. Will the flashback or the flash forward give any insight into the one true Sue?

What career will Kurt choose?

We could actually ask this question of a lot of people: Blaine, Santana, Quinn. We hope that Mercedes is still a recording artist and Brittany is probably having her brain studied for science. But Kurt has always been a curiosity, showing passion as both a performer and a creator, for music and fashion. He was even balancing NYADA with an internship at Vogue. Which path will be the right fit for a successful Kurt Hummel?

Did Will actually get re-hired?

When season 6 premiered, Will Schuester was living the high life as the coach of Vocal Adrenaline, making lots of money for running a show choir — a dream come true. However, he wasn’t very good at it, and swiftly quit his job because the kids didn’t want to be his friends. He ended up helping Rachel as she “officially” run New Directions, and it was implied that he’ll be sticking around with the newbies when his ex-students go back to New York. Is McKinley paying him? Pretty sure they’re not paying him.

Where’s Shelby (and Beth)?

Shelby Corcoran, the lady who got paid to give birth to Rachel and who later adopted Quinn and Puck’s baby Beth, played a huge part in the drama of seasons 1 and 3. She and Rachel have a difficult bond, but they are a presence in each other’s lives, so if Rachel has any big life moments in the futuristic finale episode, we’d like to know where Shelby is. We’ve also always been curious about Rachel’s relationship with her “sister,” Beth — who would be about 10 years old in the flash-forward “Dreams Come True.”

Are Rachel and Jesse endgame?

Jesse St. James returned in last week’s episode, and his reunion with Rachel seemed like the start of something big. Maybe this is the person Rachel had been waiting for, to truly connect with as the new love of her life. We’ve always thought so, and requested this exact plot before the final season started, but is it meant to be? After all, Rachel was dating Sam and we never even saw them break up… Will Rachel and Jesse live happily ever after on Broadway, or will we get a surprise Samchel ending?

What other couples make it down the line?

Brittana. Klaine. Wemma. Samcedes. Artina. Quick. These words have become standard vocabulary in the households of Glee fans, but five years down the track, which OTPs make it? Will we see a double gay divorce? Will Mercedes and Sam finally, you know, Do It? Will Emma take her ginger baby and run, because Schue won’t get a job that pays money? We’re rooting for Quinn and Puck, though, because once they got together they stayed the hell out of the drama.

Will it feel right?

No matter what paths the various characters take, what we really want from the Glee series finale is for the ending to feel natural. We want it to embody the message of the show, to show us the past and the future in a way that doesn’t feel absurd or out of the blue. We don’t want it to be overblown and we don’t want to be underwhelmed, either. We want our faves to get what they deserve, and we want some questions left unanswered, allowing us the possibility to dream. We want to feel satisfied and devastated and full-circle. Can Glee pull it off? We hope so.

The ‘Glee’ series finale airs Friday, March 20

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