To say that I’m a fan of the television show Teen Wolf would probably be understating things just a little bit.

It’s Teen Wolf Takeover month on, and today a Hypable reader discusses how far Scott has come since season 1. Read all of our TWT articles here and submit your own!

About nine months ago I watched my first episode of the show at the suggestion of a friend. I then went on to marathon the remainder of seasons 1 and 2 within two weeks (“I have to wait EIGHT months until season 3?!?!”). Maybe three weeks later I hopped on board with the ladies of Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast to help them run the associated tumblr and twitter accounts. So, I’ve been completely immersed in all things Teen Wolf for the better part of a year now.

In the eight months since I steamrolled through those 24 episodes, I’ve had the time to re-watch most of the episodes, watch them a third time, dive head-first into a new fandom, discover what “knotting” meant and form opinions on plenty of characters. With that said, it will hardly be shocking to anyone when I say that Stiles Stilinski is my favorite character on the show. “Yeah, you and 90% of the fandom,” you’re probably saying right now. But yes, I could go on for hours about Stiles, as well as my love for Dylan O’Brien.

But I’m not going to do that today.

Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about Scott McCall, and why I think that he is the most improved character in season 3. (And why I just want to gather him into my arms, pet his hair and coo positive affirmations into his ear.)

Now, before I get too deep into this, I want to take a moment to remind my fellow viewers of the idea of anchors. Every werewolf has an anchor – something that helps keep them grounded. It reminds them of their humanity when they are trying to fight the shift of the wolf inside of them. For Derek Hale it is anger. Isaac’s is his father. And for Scott, it’s always been Allison Argent.

Seasons 1 and 2 showed us Scott falling in love, as well as Scott in the midst of that love. Allison has always given him a solid and secure anchor to hold on to. But I think putting that kind of importance on one person is where things went wrong for Scott. In both seasons, there were questionable judgment calls on Scott’s behalf that were influenced by Allison. Season 1 had Scott putting the false title of “murderer” around Derek Hale’s neck more than once. Then in season 2, Scott may have inadvertently contributed to one of our favorite scenes with Stiles and Derek when the two were trapped in the school pool by a certain kanima. While I loved that scene, Scott’s dismissal of Stiles’ phone call had me shaking my head just a little.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have NEVER thought that Scott had misplaced priorities. In the entire show, I find Scott to be one of the most kind-hearted and genuine characters I’ve ever met. Unfortunately, those priorities were just a little skewed, but it never changed the fact that Scott has always had everyone’s best interests at heart. He spent seasons 1 and 2 trying to find a groove — trying to find a way to make all of this “werewolf stuff” fit into his life without endangering the people around him. We all make mistakes; it’s a part of learning and growing.

Season 2 ended with a break-up for Allison and Scott, but one that left hope for those of us that liked them together. Four months pass, and we find ourselves at the premiere of season 3. We have a Scott McCall that has spent the entire summer trying to better himself. He’s making an effort to be a better friend, a better son, a better student and a better werewolf. He’s done everything he can to replicate that feeling he had with Allison, without Allison. And in doing so, I believe that Scott has unknowingly found himself a new anchor.

This opinion piece isn’t about my thoughts on Allison and Scott as a couple. I honestly couldn’t say, at this point, if I think that the two of them are each other’s happy ending. I don’t even believe I could predict whether or not they’ll end up back together this season. But do I think that Scott is past the point of Allison being his sole anchor? Yes.

**Spoiler Warning** After watching “Motel California” air this week, something else struck me as very important and telling to Scott’s growth, and to his overall mentality. Season 3, episode 6 showed us the results of more wolfsbane exposure to the likes of Ethan, Isaac, Boyd, and Scott. We watched as each werewolf experienced hallucinations that were enough to make them consider extreme measures; the things and memories that terrified them the most. Ethan’s fear involves his twin brother, Aiden. Boyd’s is regarding someone whom we presume to be his younger sister having gone missing at a skating rink when he was younger. Isaac is reduced to hiding underneath a bed when he starts hearing his late father’s voice in his head and memories of the dreaded freezer surface.

But for Scott, the thing that terrifies him that much? It’s the idea that he’s not enough. That since becoming a “someone,” he isn’t able to live up to the standard he’s set in his own head. He hallucinates watching his mom die at the claws of Deucalion while she stands yards away, unable to do anything. We had already seen in season 3, episode 5 where he wouldn’t allow himself to heal over the guilt of Derek’s “death.” Scott feels hopeless due to the fact that he may not be able to help/save the people he loves and cares about. And I think that speaks volumes about his character and morality.

In conclusion, six episodes have shown Scott taking control over several aspects of his life and the relationships with those around him. He’s learning how to be friends with Allison, how to work with Derek, how to lead others (i.e. Isaac and Boyd), and how to trust his own instincts. Scott is finding focus and control in these things, and I think he’s unconsciously securing a new anchor in that self-improvement. With that has come a new sense of confidence and awareness that is going to allow him to become that better son, student, friend, werewolf, and eventually…alpha.

He’s found all of this within himself. And once he can secure a firm grip on the brilliant man and werewolf he truly is? Watch out world. You won’t be ready for Scott McCall.