Teen Wolf season 5 is keeping us guessing with the identity of The Beast, but we’ve got five solid theories as to who it could be.

We’re getting plenty of background information on The Beast as of late, but we still don’t have an answer to the most important question: Who is the person inside the creature?

Gerard and Valack in particular have provided us with a fair amount of information regarding The Beast and its history. Concerning the person’s identity, we know it’s supposed to be a genetic chimera that they somehow missed, that it’s potentially a teenager, it could be male or female, and it wears a size 10 shoe. It would be completely normal during the day, and then not know it’s transforming into The Beast at night.

We were hoping The Beast’s identity would be revealed in episode 17, “A Credible Threat,” but since that didn’t happen, we have a feeling we’ll be holding out for a few more episodes. Episode 18, “The Maid of Gévaudan,” is the big flashback episode starring Crystal Reed as Marie-Jeanne Valet, so it stands to reason the focus will be on The Beast’s past, rather than its present.

Either way, we’ll have to find out the identity of The Beast at some point, so here are our top five theories:

Mason Hewitt

The going theory at the moment is that The Beast is Mason, and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest this could be true. He’s one of the few characters we haven’t seen come face to face with The Beast. He’s either off screen when The Beast is around, or The Beast is notably absent when Mason is interacting with the pack. He is a teenager and could definitely be a size 10 shoe.

We don’t know whether or not he’s a genetic chimera, and it’s possible he doesn’t even know (otherwise, why wouldn’t he have said something?). In episode 18, when Corey was kissing Mason, he pulled away and it was obvious Corey felt something was off. When The Beast attacked just moments later, it came from the school buses where Corey and Mason had been searching through the opposing team’s belongings.

Allison Argent

This theory is sort of a best case scenario for the fandom right now. The return of Allison Argent could reinvigorate the show for seasons to come, and Crystal Reed has, in fact, returned to Teen Wolf to shoot scenes as Marie-Jeanne Valet, the woman who initially stopped The Beast. She also happens to be an Argent ancestor. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Reed could’ve shot some extra scenes revealing Allison as The Beast while she was on set.

So how could this work? The Dread Doctors resurrected The Beast, and in much the same way, perhaps they found a way to resurrect Allison Argent. Theo was able to inject his chimeras with fluid from the man in the tank in order to bring them back to life. In the same way, Allison could’ve been resurrected and turned into a chimera if that fluid held that man’s DNA. Why pick her particularly? The Dread Doctors want The Beast to remember who it is, and what better way than to pick a girl descended from the one that first killed him, who also happens to look identical to that woman?

Danny Mahealani

It’s been a long, long time since we’ve seen Danny around Beacon Hills, but never say never on this show. We last saw him when he admitted to Ethan that he knew about the supernatural. After that, it’s been radio silence, unfortunately.

If Danny were The Beast, it could go a long way to explain his absence from the town. Perhaps he fled, knowing Beacon Hills wasn’t safe anymore, but the Dread Doctors somehow found him. Or maybe he’s been there the whole time, but he’s kept to the shadows. We also know he’s had surgery in the past, given the scars on his chest, but we don’t know the extent of the operation. It’s possible he could’ve been made into a chimera when he was younger.

Theo Raeken’s sister

This is another solid theory fans have come up with, and one that would provide for a shocking turn of events. We’ve been under the impression that Theo’s sister had been dead this whole time, but instead of being killed, what if the Dread Doctors had actually just swapped Theo and his sister’s hearts, making them both chimeras?

Lydia did, after all, see her rising from the stream. This was meant to show us her heart had been stolen, but what if the Dread Doctors hadn’t stopped there? It would certainly give Theo a pause if the person he was intent on killing to increase his own power had actually been his sister the whole time.

Ethan or Aiden

Lastly, we’ve been trying to think of other ways a chimera could come about. Some are born that way, while others had operations and were created. The Twins, on the other hand, have something else going for them because they melded together each time they transformed into a single werewolf. The Carvers (who play Ethan and Aiden) are identical twins, meaning it’s likely the werewolf brothers are too, which means they would have the same DNA.

On the other hand, this is the supernatural we’re speaking of. Sometimes the answer isn’t as straightforward, and this may have less to do with science and more to do with mysticism. Perhaps seeing Aiden when Lydia first tried to escape Eichen House was a clue?

Who do you think the ‘Teen Wolf’ Beast could be?