Teen Wolf season 4, episode 5, “I.E.D.,” has just finished airing. Our recap explains everything that went down in Beacon Hills this week.

Teen Wolf season 4, episode 5, titled “I.E.D.,” begins with an unknown werewolf girl (were-girl?) being chased by Violet in the Beacon Hills High School parking lot. Violet busts out her handy, dandy necklace be-header but the girl gets a running lead and finds refuge with a sweet and handsome teen — just kidding, it’s Garrett. He stabs her in the chest to finish the deal. Didn’t anyone ever tell her not to get into cars with strangers?

Stiles and Scott fill in Sheriff Stilinski on what they’ve discovered, including the deadpool. Lydia is still trying to figure out two more cipher keys to unlock the two remaining lists of names. They believe the numbers next to each name will all add up to the 117 million that was stolen from the Hale vault.

Violet asks Garrett when they’ll be getting more money – aka their next kill – and he says, tonight. Mr Yukimura approaches Kira about her playing lacrosse but she mistakenly assumes he’s talking about the deadpool and has a serious case of word vomit.

Liam and Mason are pumping some iron in the weight room as the latter explains that Garrett’s stories aren’t lining up, and basically, he’s just a pretty sketchy dude. He also warns Liam that the scrimmage tonight is against is old school, Devenford Prep. It’s official, Mason is adorable. Liam finds Derek holding his lacrosse stick in the locker room and once Derek breaks the stick Liam goes berserk. He, of course, fell right into Scott and Derek’s trap and it turns out it wasn’t his stick that was broken. Scott sure has his hands full with this young grasshopper.

Lydia is having writer’s block and Malia suggests that getting Meredith, a second banshee’s help couldn’t hurt. Back in Coach’s classroom Stiles realizes that the killer is a lacrosse player. Anyone else excited for more lacrosse?

Garrett and Violet are cooking up some wolfsbane in the chemistry classroom because that’s completely normal at BHHS. Violet wants to go for the big bucks by getting “the alpha,” but Garrett seems intimidated and probably less greedy so he says “the beta” will suffice. They pour the wolfsbane all over Garrett’s lacrosse stick. Oh, great.

Devenford Prep arrives and their leader seems like a total jerk. Scott and Stiles have to hold Liam back and give him a cold shower to calm him down. He smashed his coach/teacher’s car because he was benched for the season — for “getting a couple red cards.” A psychologist evaluated that Liam has Intermittent Explosive Disorder. As Stiles says, “This just gets better.” Liam helps out by telling them who paid for the keg at the lake house party.

Mason and Liam are talking about Devenford Prep’s leader and we find out that Mason wants to heal his broken heart after Liam beats him to the ground on the lacrosse field. Aww! Could we possibly see Mason and Danny (Manny? Too soon?) in the near future together?

Deputy Parrish finds Meredith and brings her to the station because she’s asking for Lydia. Does the Deputy seem weird to anyone else? When Lydia arrives with Malia, Deputy Parrish says he thinks she’s a psychic. Hmm. After some coercing by Lydia, Meredith gives up some numbers – but not enough for a phone number. Malia then tells Lydia to use the numbers like letters and Lydia cracks the code — AIDEN. And Jordan Parrish’s name is on the list!

The lacrosse game finally begins and it’s intense. It might just be the music they’re choosing though. BHHS are down by two and Kira makes a fantastic score, but gets benched for not following through with the play. There is a serious collision by Liam and the DP leader. Scott puts Liams bone back into place.

The Devenford Prep leader, Brett, is army crawling in the locker room with glowing gold eyes! Oh, so he was the beta all along! Violet goes in for the kill but doesn’t do the deed. Instead Scott walks in, fights Violet off and knocks her out with her necklace in hand.

Chris tells Derek that he had a feeling that Kate was alive but he has somewhere to take her once they find her. Derek says he’d prefer Chris didn’t because she took something from his past but now he’s starting to lose his senses! Derek leaves and Chris is surprised by none other than Araya Calavera. Araya reminds Chris of the Code — “We hunt those who hunt us.” We are left with those as Chris’s last words of the episode.

Our favorite ‘Teen Wolf’ season 4, episode 5, ‘I.E.D.,’ quotes

“If I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you’d be an A+ student.” –Coach

“I’m terrified! And I’m not even on the list.” –Stiles

“You think he’s hot, don’t you?” –Liam

“I used to call myself a rational human being.” –Sheriff Stilinski

“In Mexico, we call this a standoff.” –Araya Calavera

“We hunt those who hunt us.” –Chris Argent