Teen Wolf season 3 airs tomorrow night and Executive Producer Jeff Davis jumped on Tumblr tonight to answer questions from fans. Here are 10 of the most important ones.

Fans are dying to learn more about season 3, and Davis was happy to answer what he could, barring that there were no major spoilers. Check out the questions, his answers, and our speculation below, and be sure to hit the comments with your own theories!

Want to see everything he answered? Head on over to Teen Wolf‘s official Tumblr to check out the rest of the Q&A.

@sourirpourmoi: Excuse me Mr Davis, please don’t ever stop

Davis: I had a meeting with MTV last week where they said the same thing. So long as I can get a few days off here and there haha

Although we know nothing is set in stone for anything beyond season 3, it’s great to hear that MTV is as excited as the rest of us for Teen Wolf. Though this certainly doesn’t give us any solid answers about season 4, it definitely instills us with hope, and that’ll have to be enough to get us through season 3.

@time56: Are we going to learn more about stiles’s mom and Scott’s dad?

Davis: A lot more.

We knew that we’d learn about Stiles’ mother a little bit this season, but in another answer Davis says that we’ll even get a flashback of her! And for a character they didn’t think they were going to introduce any time soon, suddenly Scott’s father is becoming a big part of the show. We’re not going to lie — this is making us seriously worried about the fate of Mama McCall after what we saw in the trailer.

@martinski: is the 15 year plan for stiles and lydia definitely still in motion?

Davis: Answered in episode 302.

This is a horrendously vague answer, but we can’t help but include it here. We know that Stiles is trying to get over Lydia, but is he hoping to get over her permanently? Will episode 2 show Stiles coming to terms with Lydia just being his friend, or will we see him acknowledge that the time just isn’t right for the two of them and that he needs to focus on someone else for a while?

@suaine: How evil is the cliffhanger between the first and second part of the season?

Davis: Deliciously evil.

Ah, cliffhangers. We love to hate them. We’re not sure when the second half of season 3 is going to air, but it stands to reason that we may have to wait several months to get answers to what is probably going to be an explosive twelfth episode. They’ll begin filming the second half of season 3 in July, and we can only hope that they won’t make us wait too long before we’re able to watch it.

@tifferini: While writing the 2nd half of season 3, do you already have an idea of what season 4 would entail?

Davis: Yes, we do actually. And it’s a bit jaw-dropping actually. We would be doing some crazy things.

We love when writers and producers always think one step ahead. Davis has been great about planting clues early on in the seasons for events that won’t happen until the following season. We can’t wait to dig through everything in season 3 and speculate what direction they’ll go in if Teen Wolf season 4 gets picked up.

@hitori-no-tora Will Peter and Lydia have any significant interaction this season?

Davis: Oh yes. Oh yesssss.

Way to peak our interest! Who knows what Davis actually means by this, but we’re just glad Peter and Lydia will be coming face to face in season 3. He put her through a lot in season 2, and she isn’t going to forget about that too soon. Will Peter be trying to make it up to her, or does he still have control over her and is hoping to keep using her for his gain?

@skywalkeer: Will Stiles and Derek become friends in season 3?

Davis: Allies.

This is great to know! We’re hoping that since Stiles and Derek will become allies, that also bodes well for Scott and Derek’s relationship. Neither Scott nor Derek have been particularly trusting of the other for the last two seasons, so we’re hoping they can move past that and begin working together. Perhaps Stiles will be the mediator.

@whatisastiles: Will we find out what exactly Lydia’s so-called “power” is in Season 3?

Davis: Oh yes. And it was really fun to write actually. Holland’s acting just floors us every time we watch her.

Many fans can breathe a sigh of relief: We’re finally going to be learning what Lydia is and what kind of power she has! Davis has said that some fans have guessed her ability correctly, so it’s time to start digging through the speculation and seeing which one could be the most plausible.

@what-the-hale: do we find out how Mr harris is related to all the incidents or is it just coincidence?

Davis: Great stuff with Harris in episode 304.

Harris has been a point of frustration for fans of Teen Wolf for quite a while. He clearly knows more than he lets on, and he appears to have some sort of vendetta against Stiles. While Davis does cleverly evade the question, we’re hoping episode 4 will give us some solid answers about how much the chemistry teachers knows about the supernatural world.

@glorfindelion: Do you expect any of the new characters to stay for prospective future seasons already?

Davis: I already know two who are staying.

This may just be the most exciting answer we’ve gotten during this Q&A. While we don’t know if it’s necessarily a good thing a new character could be sticking around, depending on if they’re a friend or foe, we’ll be happy to see any of the new actors staying on Teen Wolf for as long as they can. There is hope that Ethan and Aiden will decide to join Scott and Derek in their fight against the rest of the Alpha Pack, so maybe fans will get their wish!

Teen Wolf season 3 will premiere tomorrow night, June 3, at 10 PM EST on MTV.