Teen Wolf‘s Holland Roden, who plays Lydia, teases her character’s relationship with the two main men in her life going into the second half of season 3.

Her relationship with both boys is complicated. Aiden had been in Deucalion’s Alpha Pack from the beginning of season 3, and had set his sights on Lydia in order to have leverage over Scott. However, Aiden fell for Lydia, which we saw proof of in season 3, episode 12 “Lunar Ellipse” after he survived the attack from Jennifer.

Stiles, on the other hand, has known Lydia for a very long time, even if she didn’t always know who he was. However, the two have recently become close friends as they worked together to help the werewolves and hunters in their lives overcome the villains of season 3. Lydia ended up kissing Stiles when he was having a panic attack, but so far they haven’t talked about it or explored their relationship further.

So, where does that leave Lydia?

In an interview with E! Online, Roden spoke about the supposed love triangle that may be occurring between the three characters:

“I don’t want to call it a triangle because technically I don’t know if I am saying too much or not, but I am friends with both of them and still I am very intimate with one,” she says.

The one she has been intimate with was Aiden, but we wouldn’t count Stiles out just yet. We know that Aiden and Lydia will have a rocky relationship because they both are on different sides of the moral fence. Whether that will change or not, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Executive Producer Jeff Davis has stated multiple times in the past that he’s not a huge fan of love triangles. Therefore, having two in one show (Lydia/Aiden/Stiles and Scott/Allison/Isaac) seems like a little too much. Perhaps we’ll see one or both story lines quickly concluded?

If love triangles aren’t your thing, E! does have a silver lining: They’ve mentioned that we’ll be learning more about the history of banshees!

Would you rather Lydia end up with Aiden or Stiles on ‘Teen Wolf’?