In an extended look at the next episode of Teen Wolf, we learn a little bit more about the serial killer and what’s in store for our heroes.

ET Online got the extended clip of Teen Wolf season 3, episode 15, titled “Galvanize,” and it’s a great one! Watch below.

We see some clips from the previous promo video, but a lot of the footage is new.

Scott seems to be enduring some intense pain as Lydia and Stiles hover over him. Meanwhile, from another scene, Stiles says, “We have to get everyone out.” It seems as though this is all connected to the serial killer, William Barrow, who escapes from the hospital and is on the loose in Beacon Hills.

Lydia says she’s been hearing a buzzing sound, and it keeps getting louder. In another clip, she’s admitted to hearing voices, so could this mean she’s hearing what Barrow is doing to his victims? Or is it possible this is just the sound she hears when death is imminent? Now that she’s aware of what she is, it makes sense that she’d be more attuned to her abilities.

Meanwhile, Stiles figures that “he” was “there” to kill someone specific. Considering this clip focuses heavily on Barrow, it seems that would be a solid assumption. And it looks as though they could be in the vet’s office. Considering we see Barrow bludgeoning Scott over the head with a crowbar at the end of the clip, it looks as though the serial killer is after our teen wolf!

The final few clips show Isaac locked in a room and Lydia doing her best Banshee scream yet. Peter is also “helping” Derek regain some memories, and we have to wonder if this could be related to the triskele-engraved object they found in the last episode. Could Talia Hale have taken yet another memory away from her son?

Who do you think William Barrow could be after in ‘Teen Wolf’ episode 15?