So many feels in such a small amount of time cannot be healthy, but alas: It’s something we’re growing used to with this past season of Teen Wolf. Check out our reactions to the just aired ‘Lunar Ellipse’ episode!

With all of the revelations and action that happened just now, we’re still reeling. However, we were stable enough to get our reactions down so we can give you all our classic GIF reaction post. Let us know if you felt the same way!

Scott, Stiles and Allison wake up in a white room

Okay, this is the first and last image that’s NOT a GIF, because we can’t find one. But did anyone else think of this scene from Harry Potter?! Specifically, “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

Season 1 flashbacks brings story full circle.

They were asleep for 16 hours.

Scott still wants to go with Deucalion.

“I feel like I’m standing in a graveyard.”

Scott’s dad is waiting for them at Allison’s.

Lydia shoes Kali sass.

Derek drives away.

“Is this about to get really violent?” Then Jennifer drops in.

Jennifer kills Aiden and Ethan.

Allison gets them away from Scott’s dad.

Stiles gets into a car accident.

Derek decides to go back.

Deucalion getting Scott to team up with him. Jennifer getting Derek to help her.

Allison and Isaac find the parents.

But then it’s caving in on them.

Ethan and Aiden are alive.

Jennifer has a countdown to the lunar eclipse on her phone.

We see the Demon Wolf.

Scott wouldn’t kill Jennifer. He becomes a true alpha.

Stiles saves everyone with a baseball bat.

Jennifer heals Deucalian.

Everyone is safe, the danger is over. For now.

Allison wants to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves.

Derek is leaving?!

Seeing Scott walk into school all happy.

Lydia is flirting with Aiden again and not Stiles. Stydia shippers:

Sterek shippers towards Lydia:

Peter kills Jennifer. Goes off about how he’s going to take Scott’s alpha powers.

Now we have to wait 5 months for the second part of ‘Teen Wolf’ season 3.