With Teen Wolf season 3 just 30 days away, every moment seems like an eternity. So what better way to get through the remainder of the hiatus than by listing some of the reasons why we’re looking forward to the new season?

We’re feeling excitement and dread in equal measures (how could we not with a tagline like “This Might Hurt”?), and with so many intriguing tidbits and clues already having been released, we figured a list like this might just be able to hold us over until June 3.

The keyword here being might.

Don’t read this if you’re trying to avoid spoilers!

30. Epic Scott and Isaac bromance.

In season 3, Scott and Isaac will be getting closer than ever, truly cementing the friendship that started to bloom at the end of season 2. Scott finally has someone he can talk to about being a werewolf that really knows what it’s like, and Isaac may have found the friend he was probably hoping for in Derek.

It’ll be nice to see the softer side of Isaac that we’ve only gotten glimpses of in the previous season, and even though we all love Scott’s relationship with Stiles, it’ll be nice to see Stiles not having to bear the pressure of being Scott’s confidant all by himself.

29. More mythology.

Teen Wolf has always done a great job throwing in bits of mythology and not turning the show into a research-fest (which can be overwhelming and, frankly, a bit boring). A little mountain ash here. A triskele there. And, hey, look out for that wolfsbane! But fans want more answers, and the writers have obliged. In season 3 we’ll be learning more about everything is seems like — werewolf eye colors, the transformation process, and even a bit about what started the war between the Argents and the werewolves.

We say, bring it on!

28. Twins.

One word, that’s all you need. Twins. Because, seriously. They’re going to be twice as scary and twice as badass. Ethan and Aiden are pretty cool all on their own. Ethan is the brainy, manipulative one, and quick as lightning. Aiden is the muscle, and someone you probably don’t want to meet down a dark alley on the full moon. But together? Supposedly they think and fight like one, making them truly formidable opponents.

And let’s not forget they’ve got their sights set on some of our Beacon Hills favorites. Who knows what could happen.

27. Sassy Uncle Peter.

Considering he was the Big Bad of season 1, it’s kind of ironic that the majority of the fanbase is kind of totally in love with Uncle Peter.

And how could we not be? Okay, so he did kill Laura. And he bit Scott. And he did threaten the lives of all of Scott’s friends on more than one occasion. But he’s back from the dead and slightly less crazy and he honestly doesn’t want to be Alpha right now. And, okay, okay. Maybe he probably has an endgame. But with his dignified mannerisms and his snarky one-liners, we can over look that for now.

Either way, we can expect more of him in season 3.

26. Badass Kali.

Intelligent and fierce females have always had a strong presence on Teen Wolf, but we have a feeling Kali is going to have no problem taking the lead in that category in season 3. She’s beautiful and deadly, likened to a Bond villain, and will prove to be another serious opponent for Scott & Co.

If the video shown at Wondercon is anything to go by, we’re sure she’s going to be dishing out pain in equal measure all around. But will she go one step further and end the life of a beloved character? We wouldn’t put it past her — or the writers — to play with our heartstrings like that.

25. A new and improved Scott.

Despite being the main character of the show, Scott’s always sort of come in second place. His grades were never the best, he only managed to be co-captain of the lacrosse team, and he’s had to constantly struggle with his new life as a werewolf.

But that’s the old Scott. Scott in season 3 is getting an upgrade. He’s going to become a better student, a better friend, and a better son. And to that we say, it’s about time! Not that there was anything wrong with the old Scott, but a static character is uninteresting. It’s about time he came into his own.

24. Lots of mystery.

There are so many questions that still need answered from the previous two seasons, let alone what they’re inevitably going to introduce in the third season. But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

It seems like Stiles in particular is going to be pulling some extra weight. It’s been mentioned that he’s going to be a pseudo-detective in season 3, and that he may even be working more closely with his father this year. His room is set up with boards full of clues and a web of information connected every which way. Episodes 2 and 3 in particular will send him into his major arc this year.

23. Stiles spending more time with his dad.

Speaking of Stiles and his father, we’ve also heard that we’ll be getting more father-son moment this season. Sheriff Stilinski is certainly a fan-favorite character. He’s a great dad, a good officer, and just an all around funny guy. With no one else but each other, it’s going to be nice seeing him and Stiles bonding.

But will that bonding include being let in on the hairy elephant in the room with the big teeth and pointy claws? Who knows. Many fans hope Papa Stilinski will be trusted with that information soon, but that also invariably puts him in more danger. And no one wants to see him killed off, leaving Stiles completely parentless.

22. A less broody Derek.

Hey, we love a brooding Derek Hale as much as anyone else, but the dude needs a break. You can only watch him be a sad little puppy for so long before you just can’t take it anymore.

This season, Derek may be finding some happiness. Let’s face it, though, it isn’t going to be a pleasant season. But now that Peter isn’t roaming around Beacon Hills trying to kill people, and Gerard is (somewhat) out of the way, Derek may just be able to relax. And, okay, there’s a rogue Alpha Pack wandering around town, but Derek might just be learning to deal with things in stride and actually loosen up a little.

21. Stiles may find love.

And it’s about time, right? Right. But…he may be finding love in all the wrong places. No one ever said the writers didn’t like to torture us.

Stiles will, in fact, be getting closer to some girls other than Lydia this season. But, and here we quote Jeff Davis, “While other teenagers just discover the pain of heartache, Scott and Stiles discover dead bodies.” Of course they do. But besides that, we’re happy Stiles isn’t going to be the guy who is perpetually in love with just one girl. And while we don’t think he’ll ever truly get over Lydia, we do like the idea of him trying.

20. Romantic Derek?

This kind of goes along with reason #22, but we think it deserves a spot on its own. The idea of Derek finally relaxing enough to become romantically involved with a girl is kind of beyond belief, but we’ve been promised, and we’re holding the writers to it.

As with any relationship, we’re sure things are going to get complicated. Will she be a werewolf? Will she know about werewolves? And, of course, will Derek have to protect her against the Alpha Pack? (Okay, we can probably answer that last one.) But still. The idea that Derek could be acting more like a normal human being is too good to pass up.

19. Lydia finally being in on the secret.

This has been a point of annoyance for a lot of fans. Scott, Stiles, Allison, and Jackson all knew about werewolves and Kanimas and hunters, and yet they never told Lydia, who is probably the smartest person to ever pass through Beacon Hills.

But that’ll change in season 3. In the last season, she was finally let in on the secret. And we’re sure she’s going to be a huge source of information. If she can handle the craziness of the supernatural world, she’ll be an asset to the other characters. Let’s just hope that knowledge doesn’t put her in danger. (Who are we kidding? Of course it will.)

18. More about Deaton and Morrell.

Because we need to know who these guys really are, like, yesterday.

Dr. Deaton, the vet, has helped Scott and his friends on more than one occasion. The most recent of which was when he helped Scott devise a plan to take down Gerard. It’s also been mentioned that he used to help out the Hale family.

The guidance counselor Morrell, on the other hand, seems to have been hindering their progress. She did, after all, mistranslate the Latin article about the Kanima. Was it on accident? Maybe, but we’ve been hearing whisperings that maybe she isn’t as noble as Deaton is.

17. A new sport.

The lacrosse scenes have become a bit of an inside joke with Teen Wolf fans. All of the drama seems to be connected with the games, and these characters take their sport very, very seriously. That’s not a bad thing, per se, but many fans will be happy to know we’ll be getting a new sport this season.

That sport is cross country. Perhaps it’s not as violent and dramatic as lacrosse, but it’s sure to prove exciting. We’re positive it’ll bring Scott, and maybe even his friends, in closer contact with at least one or two members of the Alpha Pack this season. Besides, variety is the spice of life and all that.

16. Young Derek and young Laura.

If fans are having trouble waiting for season 3 in general, then they’re practically foaming at the mouth for episode 3×08. This is the episode that will, hopefully, answer a lot of questions. We’ll learn more about Derek, perhaps more about the hunters, and finally get an answer as to why certain werewolves have different eye colors.

Most exciting yet is that the flashback will be taking place when Derek is supposedly 14 or 15 years old. That means we’ll be getting young Derek and Laura Hale! Not only are we excited to finally get some real scenes from Laura, we’re excited to see Derek as a charismatic athlete who doesn’t have the chip on his shoulder he does now.

15. More Danny.

Because we seriously need more Danny. Maybe he won’t be in on the big secret, but he’ll definitely be on the outskirts. One half of the Alpha Pack twins will have his eyes on Danny, so who knows what could happen.

Danny has always sort of been there, but not quite on the same page as everyone else. One of his lacrosse captains was a werewolf, his best friend was a Kanima, and his best friend’s girlfriend is some weird immune creature that sees a dead guy that nearly killed her the year before. And maybe Danny won’t know the full truth this season, but we have a feeling he’ll be getting closer than ever.

14. A more understanding Chris Argent.

At the end of season 2, Chris Argent crossed his father to help Scott and Isaac figure out how to save Jackson and stop Gerard. His sister was killed in season 1 and his wife killed herself in season 2 after being bitten by Derek. All he truly has left is his daughter, and after the end of season 2, it would come as no surprise if Chris recognized that there’s more to life than a vendetta against the werewolves.

In fact, at the beginning of season 3, Chris and Allison will have hung up their hunting gear and are trying their best to stay away from the supernatural world. While that’s obviously going to prove hard to do, we think Chris is going to be more sympathetic to Scott’s plights.

13. A freaking Alpha Pack.

Because who really saw that coming at the end of season 2? We all thought one Alpha was bad enough, but a whole pack of them? Season 3 is going to be intense if we have to deal with five more Alphas. And we’re sure they’re going to prove nefarious.

Deucalion is the Alpha Pack leader. Kali is the dangerous female Alpha. Then there are the twins. And Ennis, the brutish final Alpha. Supposedly they have Betas as well (we’re of the opinion Jeff Davis was trolling us when he said they don’t have Betas after it was announced they do). And their intentions are going to be anything but pure.

12. A (somewhat) normal Allison.

Allison kind of went crazy at the end of season 2, didn’t she? Like, Kate-and-Victoria-crazy, which is never a thing to aspire to.

But season 3 will include a redemption arc for Allison. She and her father have hung up their hunting gear, she’s broken up with Scott, and they’ve been away from Beacon Hills for a couple of months. This is all so she can get her head on straight. We know it’ll be difficult for her to not help Scott and her friends when they come up against the other werewolves, but we hope situations like that won’t be a trigger for Crazy! Allison to return in full force.

11. Boyd’s background.

Boyd’s been an interesting character to watch as he went from normal teenager to werewolf. He didn’t go through the same arrogance-infused craziness Isaac and Erica did. Instead, he’s sort of been in the background, (mostly) willing to do what Derek has asked of him.

Season 3 might see a change in all of that. He’s going to be upset about the loss of Erica, and still struggling to control his werewolf abilities. Most interesting, however, is the fact that we will be learning more about him in season 3, including what happened to his sisters.

10. Real wolves.

We knew Laura could turn into a real wolf when she transformed, so it was only a matter of time before they popped up on the show. And we can’t even begin to contain our excitement, especially after the teaser that showed one of them snarling in the background while Scott drowned himself (!).

Seeing wolves in action in any TV show or movie is always something to be excited about. They’re beautiful and majestic animals, and their inclusion in Teen Wolf is going to be a great asset. They’ll add something wonderful to every scene they’re in, but it’s also proof that we’ll be getting more answers about the transformations this season.

9. Dylan O’Brien, co-writer.

Okay, well, technically he just wrote one scene, but we can dream, right?

In all seriousness, Dylan O’Brien writing a scene for Teen Wolf is like a stranger walking up to you and handing you a puppy for free. They didn’t have to do it, but now that they have, there’s no way you’re giving it back. We’re sure that O’Brien’s comic genius is going to be infused into every line of that wonderful scene, and if fans were excited about more Scott and Stiles bromance, they’ll be even more rabid for it now that they know who penned one of those scenes.

8. Scott and Derek working together.

Because it’s about damn time.

Scott and Derek have been going back and forth in their relationship for two seasons. Derek’s all like, “I’m not going to tell you anything, even though you need this information and it could probably save your life.” And Scott’s like, “Dude, you’re so not my Alpha. I’m not trusting you.”

But season 3 might end all of that. Even though the Alpha Pack will be trying to divide the two of them, we think it’s high time they both put what’s in the past behind them and realize they can accomplish so much more if they stick together.

7. Stiles and Lydia getting closer.

While quite a few fans are still pulling for Stydia to happen, we think a lot are glad they’re going to become friends first this season. Lydia probably didn’t even know Stiles’ name at the beginning of season 1, and now they’ve been thrown together into the supernatural world. They’re sure to start bonding.

But don’t get your hopes up for some romance. Lydia is still in love with Jackson, even though he skipped town, and Stiles is determined to move on from Lydia in season 3. While that is a bit disappointing on both fronts, it’ll be nice to see them on the same level this year.

6. Derek gets a real place to live.

Because burnt down houses and abandoned train yards are so last season.

It’s nice that Derek will be getting an apartment with, like, furniture and stuff. He deserves a nice place to park his car. And sleep. And not worry about a building falling on top of him. Still, we’re sure his new abode will suffer some damage, as there’s been talk that the Alpha Pack will be visiting him at his new place. Having grown up living quarters could prove troublesome, as it’ll sure make finding him a lot easier.

5. Mama McCall has accepted her son for what he is.

Which is a werewolf, and that’s no easy task. Granted, she did lock herself in her room for a while. But once she got over that, Melissa took things in stride and told her son that if he could do something to help his friends and stop Gerard, he should do it.

And she didn’t exactly sit around and do nothing herself, did she? She followed Jackson to the hospital and tried to figure out exactly what was going on with him. She knew she could help too, and that spurred her on, despite the fact she was seeing a boy that had been dead a minute ago twitching and covered in venomous gloop.

4. Daniel Sharman is a series regular.

Because we seriously need more Isaac.

We saw the biggest change in character in Isaac out of the three newly bitten werewolves. When he was bitten, he was hopped up on werewolf juice much like Erica was, walking around skirting the law and being all cocky. In an organic turn of events, though, he came to realize that Scott was a good guy and that he wanted to be more like him.

And, hopefully, we’ll get to see him make good on that desire in season 3.

3. More about Lydia’s immunity.

It’s driving the whole fandom crazy that we still don’t know what’s going on with Lydia. Not only was she seeing a dead Peter Hale last year, but there’s still that whole thing about her being bitten by an Alpha and not turning into a werewolf. Because that shouldn’t have happened.

Lydia is a huge mystery still, and her importance seems to be growing every season. Season 3 will prove to be a big one for her, we’re sure, and hopefully we’ll be getting some answers. Is she the cure that Scott so desperately wants? Or is the fact that she’s immune the side effect of something else entirely?

2. A real Danny/Ethan relationship?

We’ve already professed our love for Danny, but did we mention that we also love the idea that his relationship with Ethan could be real? We don’t know for sure yet, as Ethan has been described as being pretty manipulative (also, a velociraptor), and so we can’t trust anything about him just yet.

But imagine how wonderful that could be. Ethan goes after Danny to get close to one of Scott’s friends, but then he starts really caring about him. Will he cross Deucalion to save Danny’s life? What will his brother think? Will Ethan change sides and become an ally to Scott and Derek?

One can dream…

1. 24 whole episodes for season 3.

Although these reasons for being excited about season 3 were in no particular order, we probably still would’ve put this one in first place if they were. Season 3 will have 24 episodes. That means we’ll be getting twice as many as the last two seasons. Inevitably that means more plotlines, more character developments, more death (*sob*), and more shocking twists and turns.

With everything we already know about season 3, we’re sure it’s going to be a great one. There’s only 30 days left until the premiere, Wolf Pack! Grab your mountain ash, befriend a wolf, and get ready for a wild ride, because we’ve been told this season might just hurt.

What are you most looking forward to in ‘Teen Wolf’ season 3?