We spoke with Teen Wolf Music Supervisor Laura Webb about how she helps choose songs for the show, and she gave some tips for those who love finding new music.

As the music supervisor for Teen Wolf, Webb oversees and picks music for the different “moments” in the show that require vocals (not just a soundtrack) or a certain mood. She works closely with Dino Meneghin, the composer for Teen Wolf, and Jeff Davis, the executive producer.

The process for picking a song begins with a script, which Webb gets to read in order to figure out the mood of a certain scene. She then must find songs that fit that moment and send them out for approval. Once they’re approved, they must license the song and make sure it works within their budget.

“I do try to listen to everything and filter it for different projects, different moods,” she says, talking about the long list of songs she wants to listen to.

And while everything might not be up her alley, a lot of it is. “On Teen Wolf we get to use a lot of fun stuff,” she says, “and it is all kind of my personal taste.” And fans would agree that Webb has excellent taste, as the music is constantly being heralded for its quality.

Webb also had great advice for fans who would like to find new music like she does, and it doesn’t always have to do with going to live shows. Her tips? Everything is on the internet! You can follow the blogs and Twitter accounts for people whose music taste you respect, and just do searches for your favorite genres.

Wrapping up the interview, we asked Webb which artists were on the top of her list right now. Gabriel Bruce, Sohn, Deptford Goth, and Active Child made the cut, so definitely keep an eye out to see if they end up in the next 12 episodes of Teen Wolf!

You can listen to the entire interview in our latest episode of Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast, where Webb talks about what music Scott, Stiles, and Allison have on their iPods, along with what she thinks about the fanmixes you guys have made in honor of the show!

Let us and Laura Webb know which songs and artists from the ‘Teen Wolf’ soundtrack are your favorites.