Teen Wolf season 6, episode 3, “Sundowning,” just finished airing and it sounds like perhaps Stiles isn’t as forgotten as we all thought.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the top of the episode makes it explicitly clear that Mr. Douglas is indeed the Nazi Alpha werewolf from the Dread Doctors’ tank. We see him explaining the power of electricity, saying, “The greater the power, the greater the control.” This gives me an ominous feeling about our newest bad guy.

He also mentions that with a lightning bolt there can be more power, and considering the Ghost Riders are connected with the weather and Lydia had a vision of a bolt hitting her, I have a feeling that line will come back in a big way.

For some reason Mr. Douglas continues to have increasingly bad reactions to seeing the magnet working in front of him. Is he having panic attacks, or is this something else? He runs to the back of the classroom to suck on some helium, and now we know who’s been stealing it from the hospital.

Malia is having trouble with her makeup exam and goes full coyote before escaping Mrs. Martin’s office and heading back to the place she feels most comfortable. This serves the purpose of reminding us how Stiles helped keep her calm when she was freaking out, but it also puts them in the same room as Sheriff Stilinski.

When they mention they’re trying to figure out what a Stiles is, the sheriff tells them it’s a family name that his father used to go by. Mr. Stilinski was an army engineer who now lives in a nursing home a few towns over, but the sheriff explicitly forbids them from talking to him.

While at the sheriff’s house, Lydia sees an older woman who repeatedly says, “The following stops have been cancelled,” and we also hear a train once again. I’m still convinced this is directly related to where Stiles has been taken.

The trio sneak off to the nursing home despite the sheriff’s warnings, and I have to say the amount of time we’re spending in new locations around town has me really excited about this season. It’s a small detail, but I love that we’re still exploring new areas of Beacon Hills in the last season. It makes everything still feel new and fresh after all these years.

We learn the significance of the episode’s title in this scene — sundowning is when a patient loses their faculties after the sun goes down. At first this seems to be true, but then we see the real Mr. Stilinski beneath the surface. He accuses Mr. McCall of being a cheater and Mrs. Martin of being a know-it-all like her daughter.

The real shock, however, comes when the sheriff shows up and Mr. Stilinski tells him to “go crawling back to your dead wife and your loser son.” Why does a dementia patient remember true reality when no one else does?

In true Teen Wolf fashion, we jump between heart-wrenching moments like this and high school raves. (Maybe it’s a California thing.) The pack has figured out that since her sister was taken, Gwen is the newest target for the Ghost Riders. They throw a party at Melissa’s so they can enclose it with mountain ash in the hopes of keeping the creatures out.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work so well. The Ghost Riders show up, and when Corey touches one of them, the Rider becomes visible to everyone. The students scatter, leaving the pack to fight off the enemy. Even Corey gets in on the action, but nothing is effective until Parrish stands up to him. The Rider disappears and Gwen is safe — for now.

What I find interesting is that the Ghost Rider was able to get into the house but he still couldn’t cross the mountain ash barrier when it was thrown in front of him. Are they able to cross it when they’re invisible, or is it because they came through from another dimension, rendering that first barrier ineffective?

After the party, Liam and Scott realize the entire group of students, including the young pack members, have now seen the Ghost Riders and are targets. I have a feeling things are about to get kicked up into high gear.

Liam vacates the premises, but the sheriff shows up to help clean up after the party and apologize to Scott. His father was abusive and Sheriff Stilinski has the scars to prove it. He asks Scott whether he’s ever had a dream so real that he thought it was a memory.

The sheriff remembers having a dream where he was talking to his wife, telling her that if they ever had a son, he’d want to name him after her father because he was a good dad, the kind the sheriff wished he’d had. The kind he’d hope to be. At this point, I was leaning forward in my seat, so sure we’d be getting Stiles’ real name. But it wasn’t meant to be, apparently.

Claudia agrees to name their son after her father, but says it won’t matter because everyone will just call him Stiles anyway. I find this particularly interesting given this scene followed one where the Sheriff asks the “real” Claudia whether she regrets not having a child and she says no. Something is definitely off with present-day Mrs. Stilinski.

We’re getting one step closer to remembering Stiles in each new episode, but we’re also getting plenty of clues about Mr. Douglas’ purpose in this season. Chris Argent has returned to do some investigating. He’s still got the grief beard and it still looks great on him, too. He shows up at Melissa’s house because he needs her help sneaking into a morgue and examining the body of the truck driver who was killed.

Turns out the driver’s head was crushed by the jaws of a powerful werewolf. Paging Mr. Douglas! Is there a Mr. Douglas in the building? The only thing being taken from the bodies is the pineal gland, which some believe is what seats the soul. We see Mr. Douglas attack a janitor in the school and crush his head, consuming the pineal gland. Is this making him a stronger Alpha?

What did you think of ‘Teen Wolf’ 6×03, ‘Sundowning’?