Teen Wolf season 5, episode 17, “A Credible Threat,” airs Feb. 16, and in one of the promo videos, we saw a glimpse of none other than Allison Argent herself. Theories?

“A Credible Threat” will see the return of Coach Finstock as our heroes endure another ill-timed lacrosse game. The good news is that it’s for charity. The bad news is that The Beast is probably going to show up and crash the party. But maybe this means we’ll finally learn the identity of the teenage chimera beneath its monstrous exterior.

What’s really got people buzzing, however, is a shot of Allison Argent in one of the promotional videos. Check it out for yourself below:


The video gives us quite a few looks at episode 17 and is overlaid with Meredith repeating the phrase, “Who is The Beast?” We get a look at Parrish sitting on a couch, Scott holding off a kitsune-powered Kira, Malia looking up at her mother, Stiles at the game, Lydia in what looks to be one of the Dread Doctors’ lairs, and Parrish at the Nemeton with a dead girl at his feet.

But we also get a look at Allison. Now, to be fair, this is an old shot of her going under the water at the end of season 3A in order to rejuvenate the Nemeton and stop the Darach from killing more people. It led to Allison, Scott, and Stiles feeling a darkness within them that they then had to fight off in season 3B, alongside figuring out how to stop Void Stiles without killing their friend. Of course, it was near the end of season 3 that Allison lost her life to the Oni.

It’s interesting to see this shot of Allison resurfacing now, when there’s plenty of speculation that the Dread Doctors could’ve resurrected her right alongside The Beast. Her family does have ties to the creature, after all, and we know that Crystal Reed will be returning in episode 18 as Marie-Jeanne Valet.

Perhaps this is just to remind viewers who Allison is as they lead us into the flashback episode featuring Reed as an Argent ancestor. Though, let’s be real, has anyone really forgotten her? Our heroes certainly haven’t, and neither has the fandom.

It could be a miniature flashback to season 3 in order to explain the significance of the Nemeton and how it works now that Parrish is so closely tied to it, or even the darkness Scott and Stiles continue to feel. Either way, we’ll take it. Any reminder of the badass teen hunter is a good one in our books.

Are you looking forward to ‘Teen Wolf’ season 5, episode 17, ‘A Credible Threat’?