Teen Wolf season 5, episode 15, “Amplification,” was a return to form for the series, and we’ve GIFed the funniest moments so we can watch them over and over again.

“Amplification” had it all: It was full of action and suspense, but it was also full of heart and hilarity. Regarding the latter, Teen Wolf found a balance between snappy one-liners and slapstick physical comedy. Stiles is usually the one whose comedic talents shine from episode to episode, but Malia, Scott, and even Sheriff Stilinski got in on the action this time.

In the opening sequence, the cops (and Stiles and Scott) were chasing after The Beast. The sheriff radios to Clark asking for Parrish’s location, but after they get word of a man on fire walking into the hospital, he realizes he’s already got his answer.

“Clark, disregard.”

Stiles’s plan is brilliant, but it’s far from airtight. What’s their worst case scenario? Well, pretty much exactly what you see happen.

“Any questions?”

Melissa McCall is a kind, generous, caring, wonderful person. But don’t you dare think about harming one hair on her son’s head. She may be a healer by trade, but she’s got no problem offering up some punishment to anyone who tries to hurt Scott.

“She’s still mad.”

Malia may have rapid healing abilities, but that won’t keep her from taking precautions. Kira hasn’t had to work for her kitsune powers or her abilities with a sword, so this whole learning thing is a bit new to her. Goggles it is!

“Can I ask you a question?”

Theo thinks he’s so slick comparing himself to Soviet Russia, but Stiles sees right through him. Theo may have a point that he can help them get past the mountain ash in Eichen House, but too many murders have been made for him to be trusted anymore.

“No, no. What you need is to be beaten. Severely. With a lead pipe. Wrapped in barbed wire.”

Turns out Malia’s man on the inside is a bit of a nudist. Just what they needed!

“It’s natural!”

The plan may have been brilliant, but no one said it was going to be easy. Hiding in body bags? Not exactly a moment for the senior year scrapbook.

“Never again.”

You can’t heal when you’re dead, so instead of attacking the wires with a pair of scissors, Malia uses her claws. She’s not dead, but her fingers are a little extra crispy.

“I didn’t die.”

Stiles and Liam don’t exactly have a strong relationship. Stiles tolerates him because he’s Scott’s beta, but Liam is also the reason why Scott died. Stiles is just taking advantage of the moment and offering Scott a little extra encouragement.

“Hit him. Hit him.

What were your favorite moments from ‘Teen Wolf’ season 5, episode 15, ‘Amplification’?

GIFs created by Brook Wentz