Last night on Teen Mom OG episode 5, “Surprise Surprise,” one mom sought closure, while another was just starting a new chapter.


Amber is confused by the way that Gary has been acting, even though Kristina is pregnant he keeps calling her. Her family, at least, is relieved that it means she will never get back together with him.

But later, Amber reveals to the show’s producers that Gary has also been making inappropriate sexual comments towards her and she wants it to stop. Kristina also thinks that Gary is leading Amber on and that he’s not over her.

Sitting down to talk, Amber tells Gary and sets some boundaries. He only wants her to call if it’s about Leah. When they just start arguing, Amber kicks him out.


After a speaking engagement, Maci tells Taylor that she’s anxious what people will think of her for being pregnant again and not married. Especially Ryan’s parents Larry and Jen.

After taking Bentley trick-or-treating, Maci tells Ryan and Larry about the big baby news. While Ryan is pleasant about it, Larry seems genuinely happy for them. Back at the house, Ryan tells his mom he thinks having a sibling will be good for Bentley. But when the talk turns to Shelby, he gets mad and storms out.

When Maci goes to pick up Bentley from Larry and Jen’s house, they say how excited they are for her. She admits she was worried they would be disappointed in her, but they clearly aren’t.


Cate and Tyler meet with Dawn, their adoption counselor who will join them in North Carolina to mediate the talk with Teresa and Brandon.

In North Carolina, Cate and Tyler settle into their hotel. They’re excited to see Carly, but anxious about the talk with Brandon and Teresa.

The meeting with Brandon and Teresa opens up Tyler and Cate’s eyes to their side of things. Tyler also gets to share his fears that they could be cut out of Carly’s life.

Everything changes when Carly comes in and Cate and Tyler light up. They have a present for Carly and Brandon and Teresa brought some of Carly’s old baby things for Cate and Tyler.

They get to say goodbye to Carly, and feel more hopeful about the future. With relief on their adoption issues, Cate and Tyler seem even more excited for baby Nova.


Producer Heather and the crew head to Farrah’s house for the first time this season. What they weren’t expecting was for her to be in a bad mood right off the bat.

She doesn’t want to record the introduction scene like Heather wants, but doesn’t offer any other ideas. Farrah also gets annoyed when Deb and Heather catch up. Sophia wants to know why her mom is being so angry.

The co-executive producer Larry comes to talk to Farrah, but doesn’t really get anything out of her. Naturally she has a mood swing from mad to sad. Sophia saves the day and makes Farrah feel better.

What do you think about Farrah returning to ‘Teen Mom OG’?