Remember last month when we speculated if Marvel would hop on the short film bandwagon only to find that two shorts featuring S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Agent Coulson were already in production? Well now we have the teaser trailer for the first one and the name of the second one. Details and video after the jump!

Marvel has officially jump-started their short film business, naming their new mini-films Marvel One-Shots. Sounds catchy to us.

This first one, Marvel One Shot: The Consultant joins Agent Coulson and Agent Sitwell as they discuss General “Thunderbolt” Ross from The Incredible Hulk. They want Hulk to join the Avengers initiative, but they don’t want anything to do with Ross. In the teaser, they discuss sending a “patsy” (someone who will put the general off of S.H.I.E.L.D.). The full short will be available on the Blu-Ray of Thor (the inclusion of the short on DVD has not yet been confirmed).

It’s a quick quiet scene, but it gets the job done. Some of you may remember that at the end of The Incredible Hulk, it was Tony Stark that eventually went to general Ross to talk with him about the initiative. Could he be The Consultant? According to, this One Shot takes place after the events of all five major Marvel motion pictures so it seems unlikely, but who’s to say that the ending scene doesn’t take place in the not-so-distant future in relation to the rest of the film? Just food for thought.

Marvel has also expressed the possibility of expanding the Marvel universe through these One Shots if they prove to be successful.

“Making shorts is something we’ve been talking about for some time,” recalls ‘Marvel One-Shot’ Co-Producer Brad Winderbaum. “It’s a fun way to experiment with new characters and ideas, but more importantly it’s a way for us to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe and tell stories that live outside the plot of our features. Whether it’s our tie-in comics like IRON MAN: PUBLIC IDENTITY and CAPTAIN AMERICA: FIRST VENGEANCE, the ‘Marvel One-Shots,’ or online experiences like StarkExpo or JoinSHIELD, if it enriches the films for our fans, then supporting the ongoing story of the MCU is something we always want to do. If these first two One-Shots are well received, we will absolutely make more of them!”

See how he slipped the acronym MCU (Marvel Comic Universe) in there? Just saying, we called it.

The name of the second One Shot is Marvel One Shot: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer and it will follow the story of what happened to Agent Coulson between Tony Starks lab in Malibu in Iron Man 2 and the site where S.H.I.E.L.D. recovers Thor’s hammer.

So what do you think? Is the character of Agent Coulson one that you look forward to exploring? How about the future of Marvel One Shots? What characters do you expect to see in future DVD releases?