Let me start by saying that I’m a Taylor Swift fan. Went to her concert and screamed my head off, bought the T-shirt, and have all her songs memorized. Now for the musical theatre junkie rant. So as Hypable posted yesterday; dear T-Swift has been offered Eponine. Keyword ‘offered’. We shouldn’t storm the barricade that is Hollywood just yet.

I’m mainly just disappointed with the casting directors on this movie. They get Hugh Jackman who’s been on Broadway, and won both a Tony and a drama desk award. Great casting. Helena Bonham Carter, and Sacha Baron Cohen were both in Sweeney Todd and were pretty decent singers. Anne Hathaway proved her chops at the Oscars. Most of the names listed so far make sense. Then you throw in Taylor Swift. She was in Valentine’s Day and it’s still debatable if she can act. Yes she’s sold a bajillion albums and singles but so has Katy Perry.

I’m just going to get to the point so please don’t point your muskets at me. Taylor Swift’s singing….isn’t that great. She’s great because of her songwriting, she’s relatable, and is honest in her lyrics. Her vocal range is very limited. I’d be amazed if she has even a full octave in her arsenal. Don’t believe me? Okay. Remember the VMA’s? The ones that Kanye upstaged her at? Yeah. There was an ad campaign for them and the theme was West Side Story. Watch it below it. She’s more awkward than a junior high production. I watched it back last night and internally cringed. Still not convinced? She also did a duet version of ‘You Belong With Me’ with Stevie Nicks. On her own song that she wrote; Taylor tries to harmonize while Stevie does the medley. Look at both of these performances below.

(Scroll to 3:30 in the below video for the specific example mentioned above)

Why am I so focused on the singing? Les Miserable is essentially an opera. Most of the dialogue is sung. I’m mainly mad because Eponine is the most coveted part in the show. All of her solos and her songs are some of the best of the bunch. Making me even madder? Who she beat out for the role.

Lea Michelle: Who did Les Mis on broadway when she was 8 years old! That girl lives and breathes that show. Everyone who has watched Glee knows she can do it.

Evan Rachel Wood: Across the Universe wasn’t that great a film but the soundtrack is amazing. Listen to her version of Blackbird and tell me she’s not up to par.

Amanda Seyfried: She’s not my favourite but she’s done Mama Mia so that’s something.

The only reason I could think Swift is a good choice? Uh… she’s blonde? She looks cute in a hat? All her fans will see this movie?

Maybe her audition was jaw dropping. She may just surprise us all. Or she’ll ruin this movie, and we’ll have another Nine, Burlesque or any movie that started out with promise and fell on its face.