Single this Valentine’s Day? Luckily, fans are never without love. Instead of wallowing, show some love for your favorite fandom this February 14.

Superfans are a special breed of human. This has absolutely nothing to do with what we love, and everything to do with how we love. Superfans have a unique capacity to appreciate, admire, and yes, truly love our fandoms.

Related: A love letter to fandom

Your fandom is with you through thick and thin. For better (your ship got together!) or for worse (your favorite character died), for richer (all the Funkos) or for poorer (also all the Funkos), in sickness and in health, until death, finale, or unforgivable use of a plot device do you part.

Your fandom sticks with you through good times and bad. It makes the good times better, and the bad times bearable. Some of your favorite memories undoubtedly stem from your fandom. If you’re a fan of cozy fandom apparel, your fandom probably even keeps you warm at night.

Related: How to survive Valentine’s Day if you’re single af

When it comes down to it, your fandom is essentially the best significant other you’ve ever had. So this Valentine’s Day, instead of wallowing in sadness over your singlehood, or going on an awkward and overpriced Valentine’s date, show your fandom the love it deserves.

Don’t just pop on your go-to movie or an episode of your favorite show. Tonight’s a night to go all out for your fandom. So freshen up and follow our guide to a Valentine’s wine-and-dine date with your favorite fandom!

As superfans, one of our favorite things is to get fully immersed in the fandom that we love, so get as into your fandom Valentine’s Day as you want. If you feel like having a more casual fandom night, that’s fun too. The most important thing is that you’re spending Valentine’s Day with what you love the most.

Dress up for your fandom

No sweatpants allowed. Take a shower and comb your hair. Your fandom deserves the best of you this evening.

Now that we’ve established that your fandom Valentine’s Day is not a time to dress for comfort, what you wear is up to you. Is your favorite fandom graphic tee calling your name? Great! If you’re up for it, break out your full Hogwarts uniform or your amazing Harley Quinn cosplay. Maybe even treat yourself to some new fandom attire for the occasion. Your fandom will appreciate it (but mostly you will, because superfans love some fresh, new merchandise).

Pour your fandom a drink

Have you been dying to try out your favorite character’s signature drink? Today is exactly the day for that. Try to recreate the magical Butterbeer recipe from the Wizarding World theme park, or even create a cocktail inspired by a character of your choosing. Depending on which fandom(s) you call your own, it may have had a tough year. Pour it a little something to take the edge off.

I wonder what a mixed bourbon-based drink inspired by Damon from The Vampire Diaries would taste like. I’m thinking hints of mint and cherry… but there’s a reason I’m not a mixologist. Valentine’s Day is basically a national holiday so don’t worry about tossing a few of these back, this evening. As long as you’re doing it out of love, not loneliness. You have your fandom, who/what else could you ever want?

If you’re underage or you just aren’t into alcohol, there are plenty of non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy. There’s nothing wrong with guzzling down some Valentine’s Day chocolate milk, George McFly style.

Cook your fandom’s favorite meal

Now that you’ve got your beverage in hand and you’re starting to see what this whole fandom Valentine’s Day thing is all about, it’s time to move onto the main course… literally!

If you’re anything like me, there are specific meals that you can recall from your favorite books, movies or TV shows. Just thinking about certain things that my favorite characters have eaten and described in excruciating detail makes my mouth water. Whether it’s the Hogwarts feast, the orange chicken from The Hunger Games, or Supergirl’s pot stickers, I can basically smell it coming through the pages or the screen.

This Valentine’s Day, fall in love with your fandom’s favorite foods in the same way that you’ve fallen in love with your fandom. You love these characters, so it only makes sense that you’ll have a similar idea of what’s delicious. I’m not sure that has any logic to it, whatsoever, but I’m betting it’s true anyway. Just go with it.

Try out a new recipe, even if you’re not a fantastic cook. Your fandom deserves it, and you may even find a new hobby. If you really can’t bring yourself to spend time in the kitchen, just order a pizza and arrange the toppings into a fun fandom symbol, like the symbol for the Resistance.

Don’t you dare forget dessert

Exact same premise but… Dauntless cake, anyone?

Snuggle up on the couch with your fandom

Grab your drink, your meal, and again, don’t forget the dessert, and get ready for some quality couch time with your fandom. As superfans, we usually don’t need to carve out time to obsess over our fandom. We’re literally doing it all the time. So make sure your fandom selections for February 14 are extra special.

Get started early and marathon the entire Star Wars saga or Lord of the Rings trilogy. Make a brand new gif set for your favorite character. Rewatch all of your ship’s pivotal episodes, or every season finale of your favorite show. Write a blog post about why you love your fandom. Whatever suits you best, just make sure you’re going above and beyond to show your fandom you care.

Take your fandom to bed with you

Not like that. Although you won’t find any judgement here.

Now that you’ve given your fandom the incredible Valentine’s Day date that it’s so deserving of, why not invite it inside for the rest of the night? If your fandom attire from the date is comfy, just snuggle right into bed with that on. If not, grab your favorite fandom toy to cuddle with. I don’t recommend cuddling with Funkos, due to their sharpness, but again, no judgement here.

By going to bed with your fandom, you’ll ensure sweet fandom dreams, and you’ll wake up in the morning remembering the amazing Valentine’s Day you had together.

Which fandom will you be taking on a date this Valentine’s Day?