T.A. Barron, author of the Lost Years of Merlin series, has announced the release date for his latest book, Atlantis Rising!

From his official Facebook page, Barron writes:

I just received the release date for my next novel, ATLANTIS RISING – September 26, 2013! As the date approaches, I’ll be able to share more exclusive sneak previews, including chapter excerpts. Be on the lookout!

Little has been released about the novel so far, but a general description of the book can be seen below, from his official website:

I’m working on a whole new fantasy epic, which will add something new to the legend of Atlantis. As you know, there are hundreds of stories about Atlantis — but all of them deal with the terrible destruction of that legendary place. That’s fitting, since the whole legend began with Plato’s description of a mythic island that was completely destroyed.

What I’m working on, however, is the creation of Atlantis — it’s magical beginnings, the heroic young people who helped make it possible, the forces of arrogance and greed that threatened to stop it, and the enchanted place itself. So this is truly a creation story … but of Atlantis. It will be a story of real sacrifice and ultimate triumph (and, of course, the seeds of its ultimate tragedy).

The cover and a map of the world can be seen exclusively under the Fans Only section of his Facebook page.

Barron has written a multitude of other books, including Tree Girl, the Great Tree of Avalon trilogy, and the Lost Years of Merlin epic. His books are usually full of stand out characters, zany sidekicks, terrifying villains, and strong moral lessons.

Atlantis Rising is sure to be highly anticipated by Barron’s fans, and we’re looking forward to reading it when it comes out in September of this year!

Do you think you’ll be picking up ‘Atlantis Rising’ in September?