Syfy released a trailer for Krypton yesterday, and it looks like the show will be an exciting new addition to the DCTV family.

Though we’re all pretty familiar with Superman’s basic family history, it turns out that we had no idea about the depths of heroism found in the House of El. The hero of the show will be Superman’s grandfather, and will follow him as he works to restore the broken name of the House of El, and save the planet from premature destruction.

However, the story of the House of El and Krypton is very much like watching a movie about the Titanic. We know how the story ends, right? Well, not entirely. The show’s inclusion of time traveler Adam Strange could shake things up a bit.

As DC Entertainment head Geoff Johns told Nerdist, “There’s been a lot of stories in the comic books about Krypton that we do derive inspiration from, but the time travel element does give us an unpredictability and some creative license to do stories that we don’t know stories that could play out differently than what people might assume. The door is open for anything.”

Krypton hopes to draw from the vast, largely untapped resource that is the DC Comics science fiction universe. Including Adam Strange in the series means that the scope of Krypton‘s story can and will span far beyond the planet Krypton itself. Additionally, since the show isn’t tied to any live action Superman story being told today, the show is quite free to allow time travel to change huge points to Superman’s past and backstory.

It will be exciting to see where SyFy takes this new spin on a classic comic book tale. Krypton premieres on Syfy on March 21, so get your DVRs ready!

Are you excited for the potential changes the show could make to Superman’s origin story?