Over the past few months we’ve been hearing about several books Scholastic and Lionsgate will be releasing which appear to promise new information about The Hunger Games.

Today we’re learning that none of these have trilogy author Suzanne Collins’ name on them. Is it cause for concern?

The Hob points out that Kate Egan is the author of The World of The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games Illustrated Movie Companion. Meanwhile, Emily Seife is the author of The Hunger Games Tribute Guide.

Our main issue with this is if any of the new information found in these books is canon according to Collins’ story. The Tribute Guide appears to promise lots of details surrounding each of the Tributes – but is it only info that we’ve heard before? If there is new info, do we know for sure that it came from Collins?

We hope Collins at least provided the named authors with new information to use. Otherwise, it doesn’t make much sense for these books (mainly Tribute Guide and The World Of) to exist.