The Supernatural season 10 premiere, “Black,” aired tonight. Read our recap and share your thoughts with fellow fans!


Solo Sammy

The episode opens with Sam torturing a chained up demon. He’s looking for information on Crowley’s and/or Dean’s whereabouts. He demands that the demon make a call to someone who knows via blood phone.

Apparently that didn’t pan out, as four weeks later Sam is still on his lonesome in the Men of Letters bunker. He’s been combing through books and talking to other hunters for leads, but nothing has shown up.

Sam haunts the bunker, going into Dean’s room to look at a note that he no doubt has looked at countless times already that reads “Sammy let me go.”

During his research, Sam comes across a lead. He calls Cas, who is holed up in a motel room and is not doing well with his fading grace. He coughs and coughs, and Sam backs off, claiming the lead was nothing.

Cas wants to help and mentions that a demon had injured Sam’s shoulder, leaving him in a sling. (The writers were forced to include Jared Padalecki’s real life injury in the script, as he was hurt at a convention over the summer and had surgery.) Sam and Cas speak for a little bit longer before both hang up dejectedly.

Howling at the moon

Crowley and Dean have been busy howling at the moon but are now stalled at a roadhouse. Dean is content to eat, drink, get booed at karaoke, and sleep with a waitress (Ann Marie) in Crowley’s bed. Oh, and don’t forget the heretical “Bitch” “Jerk” exchange Crowley and Dean share. Evil.

Later, Dean and Crowley’s foosball game is interrupted when Dean takes it upon himself to beat the snot out of Ann Marie’s ex.

My brother, the demon

Sam, in his FBI duds, tracks his lead. The sheriff shows Sam some surveillance footage of a murder; the victim drew a blade in a gas station and attacked his killer, only to have the tables turned on him. The killer? Dean.

Looking through the footage, Sam pauses on a frame in which Dean’s eyes go black. Saying Sam looks like he’s been punched would be an understatement.

That same surveillance footage goes to our new recurring character, Cole, who loads up some weapons.

Meanwhile, Dean leaves the bar and is confronted by another demon, apparently an Abaddon loyalist. He attacks, but Dean kills him easily.

Learning the truth

Sam heads to the gas station and talks to the attendant who was on duty during the attack. The attendant doesn’t have any information, but he offers up the victim’s phone, which he’d just found. Sam looks through the phone and realizes what’s going on.

Cue Crowley receiving a call from his favorite moose. Sam accuses Crowley of having Dean’s corpse possessed, but Crowley assures him that Dean’s dead meatsuit isn’t possessed; oh no, Dean’s a demon in his own right.

Sam assures Crowley he’s going to save his brother, but Crowley accuses Sam of being jealous that Crowley and Dean are BFFs now. After some more threats, the call ends — but it was long enough for Sam to trace the call’s source.

Sating the Mark

Crowley admits to sending Abaddon loyalists after Dean so Dean could kill them and sate the Mark of Cain. Meanwhile, Crowley is ready to get back to work, but Dean isn’t particularly interested in moving beyond boozing, singing, and sexing.

Crowley leaves Dean with a little tidbit before exiting: Sam called and tracked them. Dun dun dun.

While Sam is heads for Dean’s location, his car dies so he pulls over. Another car pulls up behind him. It’s Cole. He opens the hood to reveal a kill switch — and Cole is holding the remote. He knocks Sam out.

Later, Dean suggests he and Ann Marie leave, but she points out they barely know each other. She also says she realized him wailing on her ex was more about him than her. After some cruel words from Dean, Ann Marie leaves.

A man of his word

Cole ties Sam to a chair in a barn. He says he and Dean go way back and that he’s hunting the elder Winchester.

Dean accepts a call from Sam’s phone, only to get Cole on the other end. Cole wants Dean to show up to save Sam. After Sam is punched for refusing to speak as proof of life, Dean coldly refuses to show up for his brother but still threatens to kill Cole — and he is a man of his word. Leverage gone, Cole hangs up.

Meanwhile, the angels…

Hannah arrives at Castiel’s motel door and requests his help. While no leader has emerged, rebuilding and reconciliation has been going on since Metatron’s defeat. There are rogue angels who refuse to return to Heaven and two, Daniel and Adina, recently killed the angel that was sent to bring them home.

Cas and Hannah head out, but have to stop when Hannah gets car sick. Hannah points out that Cas is dying from his lack of grace, but Cas isn’t willing to kill another angel to ensure his own survival.

Eventually, the duo reaches Daniel and Adina’s campsite. They find Daniel fishing in a river. He has no interest in returning to Heaven after the fall. He likes the freedom that is celebrated on Earth. Cas talks Hannah down from attacking Daniel so they can speak.

That night, the three angels chat over a campfire until Adina arrives. She and Hannah draw blades on each other. In the fight, Hannah is cut. Daniel prepares to kill Hannah, forcing Cas to kill him. Adina then cuts Cas and runs off. The two wounded angels are forced to leave as well.

Watch a promo for next week’s episode

What did you think of the ‘Supernatural’ season 10 premiere, ‘Black’?