Preview Supernatural season 10, episode 3, “Soul Survivor,” with the episode synopsis, promotional stills, and trailer.

Previously, Sam discovered that Dean was not in fact dead but a demon and on the road with Crowley. On his way to find his brother, Sam was waylaid by Cole, a man who claimed Dean killed his father.

Meanwhile, Crowley offered Dean the chance to sate the Mark by killing for a demon deal, only Dean killed the client rather than the intended victim. Crowley was furious, but Dean broke up their partnership. In return, Crowley sold Dean out to Sam — in exchange for the First Blade.

After Sam’s escape, Cole tracked Sam and interrupted the brothers’ reunion, only for Dean to complete beat him. While Dean left him alive, Sam used the chance to spray Dean with holy water, handcuff him, and bring him back to the bunker.

Elsewhere, Hannah visited Metatron in prison to ask for Castiel’s remaining grace. Metatron said that some of Cas’ grace still existed, but his price was to be free. Cas, though, interrupted the meeting and didn’t let the deal get made. Metatron threatened to escape and kill everyone.

Read our recap for Supernatural season 10, episode 2, “Reichenbach,” here.

The official synopsis for Supernatural season 10, episode 3, “Soul Survivor,” reads:

“JENSEN ACKLES RETURNS TO THE HELM AS DIRECTOR — Sam (Jared Padalecki) continues his efforts to save Dean (Jensen Ackles) from the Mark of Cain. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) realizes Dean’s demonic antics are starting to cause problems for him in Hell so he searches out an unlikely ally — Castiel (Misha Collins). Jensen Ackles directed the episode written by Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming (#1001).”

Meanwhile, promotional stills show Ackles in a directorial position as well as Crowley and Cas:

Finally, watch a trailer for the episode:

Supernatural season 10, episode 3, “Soul Survivor,” airs Tuesday, October 21 at 9:00 ET on The CW.

Will you watch ‘Supernatural’ season 10, episode 3, ‘Soul Survivor’?