The CW has released a promo and a sneak peek from next week’s Supernatural mid-season finale, “Citizen Fang.”

In this clip, we see Sam speaking on the phone with Martin Creaser, who the brothers hunted with in season 5’s “Sam, Interrupted.” In that episode, Martin had checked himself into a mental institution and the brothers became patients themselves to hunt undercover. Because of that history, Dean is surprised that Martin is hunting again now that he’s been discharged.

Sam reveals that he asked Martin to keep tabs on Benny and report in, and Dean is annoyed that his brother went behind his back to keep an eye on his friend. But when Sam tells Dean that there has been a vampire kill in Benny’s hometown and that Martin suspects that Benny is responsible, Dean eventually agrees to check out the situation.

But, according to the episode synopsis, “[w]hen Martin decides to take things into his own hands, things get messy and Dean is forced to make a very hard decision.”

We also have the promo that aired after last night’s episode, “Hunteri Heroici”:

“Citizen Fang” airs Wednesday, December 5 at 9:00 p.m. ET.

Are you looking forward to the mid-season finale of ‘Supernatural’?