Supernatural season 10, episode 20, “Angel Heart,” aired tonight. Read our recap and discuss the episode with fellow fans.

Troubled teens

We open with Claire Novak looking for a man she knows her mother went to meet shortly before her disappearance. The man denies knowing her, but uses her last name. Claire tries to get him to talk, but he knocks her out and lands her in the hospital. Castiel gets a call as her emergency contact, so Cas calls in Sam and Dean for some troubled teen experience.

Claire isn’t interested in their help, but Sam gets her talking. She she has some of her mother’s old things and has been using them to try to track her down. She’s even staying in the motel her mother wrote her a postcard from.


Claire eventually flees the hospital, so Sam heads for the motel while Cas and Dean look for the man who put Claire in the hospital. While Sam teaches Claire how to hack her mother’s credit cards and set up her own fake cards, Dean gets information about Amelia — she’d been looking for a faith healer in the hope of finding Castiel (and Jimmy), only to be kidnapped and fed on by a Grigori, a Watcher angel.

However, their source’s body ends up being found with wounds that don’t quite match up with an angel blade.

Family bonds

Back at the motel, the groups fill each other in. Cas and Sam head for the barn the faith healer was supposed to work out of while Dean and Claire are left behind. The latter pair goes off to play mini golf, and they talk about hunting and the importance of Jimmy’s sacrifice to saving the world. Meanwhile, Sam encourages Cas to stay involved in Claire’s life because they have a bond.


Sam and Cas split up. Cas finds Amelia in the barn, locked in a dreamlike state. He awakens her but is unable to heal her despite having his grace back. In the house, Sam is (yet again) knocked out and tied to a chair. Our monster of the week, Grigori Tamiel, monologues about his kind being the first angels to come to Earth and feeding on humans.

Meanwhile, Dean realizes the wounds don’t match angel blades because the murder weapon has a hilt. He and Claire head back to the motel to do research, and he discovers the identity of their monster of the week. Dean arms Claire and the pair heads to the barn as well. They find Cas and Amelia in the barn. While mother and daughter reunite, Cas and Dean head into the house, where they find Sam.

Ultimate sacrifice

Tamiel stops Claire and Amelia from escaping. Claire tries shooting him but runs out of bullets. He prepares to stab her, but Amelia jumps in front of her, taking a blade to the stomach.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel arrive too late. They fight Tamiel but are overpowered. However, they’re enough of a distraction for Claire to grab the angel blade and stab Tamiel in the back. Alas, Amelia has already died.

We see her arrive in Heaven and reunite with Jimmy, her husband who has been long dead.


Good people

The Winchesters arrange for Claire to stay with Jody Mills until she gets her feet under her. Sam gives Claire some comfort in the reminder that in their business, death is rarely the end. Dean then gives her a gift of the movie Caddyshack, a reference she hadn’t gotten at mini golf, as well as a book on angel lore. He knows she stole Tamiel’s sword so wants her to know what she’s getting into. Claire asks Dean to watch after Cas.

Cas then tries to apologize to Claire, but she hugs him. She then gets in a taxi to Jody’s as Castiel watches on sadly.

Watch a promo for the next episode

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