The final book in the DC Icon series is almost here! Check out the cover for Superman: Dawnbreaker by Matt De La Peña.

It started with Leigh Bardugo’s Wonder Woman: Warbringer, Marie Lu’s Batman: Nightwalker, and Sarah J. Maas’s Catwoman: Soulstealer, and now we’re getting Superman’s story in Dawnbreaker.

In De La Peña’s novel, we meet a Clark Kent who struggles with holding back his heroics because he knows he can’t bring any attention to himself or his powers.

Then one day he hears a little girl crying and discovers Gloria Alvarez — and a dangerous secret. He and his best friend, Lana Lang, team up to uncover the truth, but at what cost?

This is the story of how Clark Kent steps out of the shadows and into the light to become the superhero we know and love — the Man of Steel.

While you may need to wait some time before you can get your hands on Dawnbreaker, you don’t have to wait any longer to check out this amazing cover!

“I’m honored to have the opportunity to contribute to one of the most iconic American storylines,” writes the author. “What has always fascinated me most about Superman is his outsider status — a recurrent theme in my own work — and I felt like this was the perfect space to explore one of the most critical issues of our time: immigration. So while the novel is fueled by traditional superhero action sequences, it also examines what it means to ‘belong’ in today’s rapidly changing America.”

‘Superman: Dawnbreaker’ hits store shelves on February 5, 2019!