The Supergirl season 3 premiere, “Girl of Steel,” is a strong return for the titular heroine and her allies. Ahead of the episode, we provide some teases to get you excited!

The synopsis for Supergirl season 3, episode 1, “Girl of Steel,” reads:

“DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF YOU — Kara (Melissa Benoist) deals with the loss of Mon-El (Chris Wood) by focusing all her energy on being Supergirl and the mysterious new threat against National City. Alex (Chyler Leigh) confesses a secret to Maggie (guest star Floriana Lima) about their impending nuptials. A citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara, and Lena (Katie McGrath) makes a bold move. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Robert Rovner and Caitlin Parrish (#301).”

Here are five teases for the episode:

Kara is grieving

Having sent Mon-El away in the season 2 finale in order to save his life, Kara is unsurprisingly still hurting several months later. Her friends, however, are concerned about the way Kara has been dealing with her grief.

Despite being an alien, Kara’s humanity has always been one of her greatest strengths. But with an immense amount of pain haunting her, it feels to her like her greatest weakness.

Melissa Benoist tells EW, “She’s really fragile at the top of the season, but only people closest to her will see that, because she’s almost solidified on the exterior and is really trying to push down whatever pain she’s felt about losing Mon-El.

“In turn, she has made this massive decision to say goodbye to her humanity and really embrace being an alien. We hear her say quite a bit in the first five episodes, ‘I’m not a human, I come from a different planet, so this doesn’t apply to me.’”

Much of the season premiere deals with Kara’s loved ones doing their best to show her support in their own ways.

When the cat’s away…

With Calista Flockhart not wanting to live full-time in Vancouver, it should come as no surprise that Supergirl would need to find another explanation for her absence after her return at the end of season 2.

Let’s just say the step Cat has taken is perfect. Snapper Carr is also on sabbatical, so James is the main boss at CatCo for now.

Alex and Maggie are planning their wedding

After National City was saved from the Daxamite invasion in the season 2 finale, Alex proposed to girlfriend Maggie. A few months later and the wedding is on, as Alex and Maggie have an hors d’oeuvres tasting planned. Maggie wants a giant wedding, but Alex has a few concerns.

Alex and Maggie are mature adults, however, and actually discuss what’s going on. It’s a refreshing dynamic, though we don’t get any hints about how the show will deal with Floriana Lima’s departure as a series regular.

General Talbot is a ruthless real estate developer

Switching Inhumans for aliens, Adrian Pasdar, who also plays General Talbot in the MCU, has switched comic universes and is playing a real estate developer named Morgan Edge on Supergirl.

He has run-ins with James and Lena, though his ire is particularly focused on Lena by the end of the premiere. However, he attracts Supergirl’s attention before the hour is through as well.

Katie McGrath tells EW, “What’s great about Morgan Edge is he’s the more atypical almost Luthor of the story. He’s come in as the big wealthy villain bad guy who doesn’t care. He is what you would expect Lena to be, but Lena is not that.”

Reign’s journey begins

“It should survive the journey. It will grow strong on Earth… and then it will reign,” were the final words uttered in Supergirl season 2, indicating another child was sent to Earth upon the destruction of Krypton.

Odette Annable was cast to play the World Killer Reign, and she makes her first appearance in the season 3 premiere. However, Reign is not a fully-formed antagonist when the season gets started. Instead, she first appears as a woman named Samantha who is living a normal life.

In an interview with EW, Annable says, “Samantha is a single mother, she’s a hard worker, she’s very much a working mom in the sense that she’s trying to juggle it all, as one does, as I do in real life. She loves her daughter more than words can express. They have a really special bond.”

She goes on to add, “What I think is really special about this storyline is it’s a slow play and you’ll get to see this whole heartbreaking story unfold in a really — they’re taking their time with it, and we have the time to do it. I think the audience is really going to hopefully relate.”

Supergirl season 3 premieres Monday, October 9 at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.