Supergirl season 3 returns on Monday, January 15 with an episode titled “Legion of Superheroes.” We have five teases to get you ready for the mid-season premiere.

Kara has been in a coma for two days

When the mid-season premiere picks up, two days have passed since Supergirl was brutally beaten by Reign. Kara has been in a coma since her defeat. The Legion has provided one of their healing tubes for her, and the future technology assures that she is improving physically.

However, something is keeping Kara locked in her own mind, which takes the shape of her loft, and it’s up to her to figure out what that is.

Kara is not alone in her mind

Kara is joined in her mind by Legion member Brainiac-5, aka Querl Dox, played by Jesse Rath. He is half computer, half organic life form, and he boasts a 12-level intellect. Because he’s not entirely human, he can bit a bit socially awkward, but he is able to exist in the real world while communicating with Kara in her mind. Their dynamic is a fun one.

Reign continues her mission

With Supergirl down for the count, Reign continues with her mission to cleanse the planet and bring about justice. Her mission now includes not just criminals, but those who aid and abet criminals. She even breaks into CatCo in order to force the journalists to film her declaration of intent.

With Kara down for the count, the DEO tries to take Reign on — and they have a pretty good plan — but they aren’t enough, and Alex takes the brunt of the failure. They need the Legion to help them out if they want to save innocent lives, but Mon-El is hesitant to get involved.

The Legion suits up

Though Mon-El is hesitant to suit up, Imra eventually convinces him that their calling is to help people — and the DEO needs their help with Supergirl out of commission. We get a look at the abilities of the heroes from the 31st century and the capabilities of their ship, both of which are pretty cool.

James and Lena take a step forward

After sharing a kiss in the mid-season finale, Lena and James are initially a bit confused about how to proceed moving forward. To Lena’s credit, she wants to act like an adult and talk to Kara about it since the three of them are so close and Kara and James have history.

When James acts a bit awkwardly, though, Lena starts to worry that her last name is giving James — Superman’s best friend — second thoughts.

Bonus: J’onn has an awkward conversation

While trying to cover for why Kara isn’t coming into work, James tells Lena that Kara is sick. Lena decides to go see her best friend, so J’onn grudgingly covers for Kara with her best friend/boss.

He will probably, however, never forget the girl talk conversation he-as-Kara has with Lena when she brings soup over. Melissa Benoist clearly has a lot of fun playing J’onn-as-Kara.

Watch a trailer for “Legion of Superheroes” below:

Supergirl season 3 returns on Monday, January 15 at 8:00 p.m. ET on The CW.