After Supergirl season 5, it’s safe to say just about every fan is begging for the series to change things up when the show returns for season 6. And I think Midvale holds all of the answers.

One of the strongest Supergirl episodes over the course of five seasons remains Supergirl season 3, episode 6, which featured younger versions of Kara and Alex Danvers (played by Izabela Vidovic and Olivia Nikkanen respectively) back in their hometown of Midvale as a mystery surrounding the death of a mutual friend, Kenny Li, put their lives in danger (namely Alex’s, of course).

This episode caused Kara to question her role on Earth after recently arriving from Krypton and discovering her new powers, but most importantly, it was the first time Kara and Alex started to act like sisters, as their relationship started to blossom. And if there’s anything Supergirl season 5 was lacking, it was the relationship between the Danvers sisters.

More flashback episodes to Midvale

I mean, there are three major reasons I can see for having at least one flashback episode to Kara and Alex’s time in Midvale per season.

First, Supergirl is an intense and demanding show, particularly on star Melissa Benoist. Cutting her time, even for one episode, would allow her more time to rest and reinvigorate about mid-way through the season, as shooting an episode takes about 10 days on average. Plus, if there’s another big Arrowverse crossover event in the future, a flashback episode could easily fill the time so more Supergirl stars can take part in the crossover and nobody has to do double duty (at least not too much).

Second, compared to many of the “filler” episodes we’re getting from Supergirl now, more Midvale episodes would be a godsend. The stories can be standalone, not facing the struggle that every other filler episode in the Arrowverse now does of making every single episode tie into the overarching plot of the season. These stories can also just be fun, which is lacking as of late as the Arrowverse unnecessarily aims to get darker and darker across the board. The lighter tone of Midvale is exactly what Supergirl used to and should still be.

And to top it off, the two actors playing the younger versions of Kara and Alex are literally perfect for these roles. They understand these characters so well and it would be so entertaining to see more of them again (for more than the brief flashback we saw on Supergirl season 4, episode 21 seen below).

The Danvers sisters

Third and the most important of the bunch, Midvale episodes could simply get the focus back on the Danvers sisters, who are the heart of Supergirl. These two are the reason that this show exists, the relationship that should easily be at the forefront of the show and whose bond should strengthened and be challenged by the events in their lives. That is what Supergirl is about.

And, ultimately, it’s everything Supergirl season 5 ignored. Instead of seeing Alex and Kara taking the journey together as Lena’s betrayal was explored post-reveal, Kara was too focused on the many men in her life (Brainy, Winn, Lex, and William) and Alex didn’t even get a real story until the last few episodes of the season when she stepped down from the DEO and became a vigilante. (And I don’t know about you, but I would have really loved to see some deep, in-depth conversations between Kara and Alex about this considering they are, you know, sisters…)

The season 3 episode, “Midvale,” gave Kara and Alex a chance to reflect on how far they had come. After even more years of heartbreak and turmoil because of the trauma they’ve endured and how many times they’ve saved the world, going back to Midvale could be a good chance to actually see Kara and Alex (of the present) come to terms with what they’ve faced and what they’ve lost as a result of their super lives.

It could just be a good chance for the sisters to have an uninterrupted conversation, which feels ridiculous to be begging for from the two leading characters on Supergirl.

(Lastly, a fourth reason is simply that I want more of Helen Slater as Eliza Danvers interacting with the younger and present day versions of her daughters.)

Bring on more Midvale flashbacks and more of the Danvers sisters on Supergirl!

Supergirl returns in 2021 on The CW! Stay tuned for updates!