Mike goes into custody of the U.S. Attorney and the bonds are tested among everyone at Pearson Specter. It’s a long day at the law firm. Read our Suits season 3 finale recap!

Truthfully, the Suits season 3 finale went pretty much as expected – people land in hot water, but they all come out okay on the other end. However, they don’t all end where they started.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s start at the beginning.

In a direct pick-up from last week’s episode, Donna pours some scotch for Harvey and herself, and quite plainly states she just wants Harvey to be happy; whether or not Scottie is in the picture is of no concern to her. Rachel, meanwhile, wanted to celebrate Mike’s new job, but when he gets home he rips the band-aid off, telling her he didn’t take the job. For Rachel, the job was a way out for her boyfriend, but she doesn’t understand how much the law means to Mike.

The next morning:

Men in suits approach Mike and chauffeur him away to have a conversation. The U.S. Attorney’s office is a welcoming bunch.

Mike is nearly relieved to learn he’s being accused of paying off witnesses of Ava Hessington’s case and his question isn’t about his recent induction into the bar. Facing prison, Mike is advised to talk, “roll over” on Harvey, and get a deal to walk – like the possibility even crossed his mind.

When Donna’s friend at the U.S. Attorney’s office, Stephanie Listin, informs her they have brought Mike in for questioning, Harvey’s happy demeanor quickly vanishes. The next moment, he goes busting into the U.S. Attorney’s office on a rescue mission, thinking, as Mike did, the government has him on fraudulently practicing law.

Donna meets with her friend, Stephanie, and we learn one more piece to the Donna Paulsen puzzle – she did a big favor for this woman, which Donna still holds over her head.

They need to talk to Harold without talking to him. Harvey goes to Allison Holt, Harold’s former boss as of an hour ago. The official story is Harold came to Mike about the settlement first, because that’s the legal version of the story – they just need to stick to it.

Mike tells Rachel that he had Lola hack into the bar for him, and that’s when she storms out. It took Mike a long time to trust Rachel enough to tell her his first secret. Now, they live together and he assumes he can tell her this, too. But is this Rachel’s breaking point?

Whose opinion does he take more seriously – Harvey’s, who wanted him to stay, or Rachel, who wanted him to take the investment banking job? Well, he’s still at Pearson Specter, so that answers that.

Jessica chastises Harvey for not immediately telling her about Mike’s conversation with the U.S. Attorney. Scottie walks in at that inopportune moment and wants the details.

Scottie can’t believe that the “allegations had merit,” but they do and Pearson Specter needs to cover its tracks. Ever since Scottie permanently entered Harvey’s life, she’s been hidden and shielded from truths that put her law career in jeopardy simply by being associated with the firm. Their relationship once held promise, but their boss/employee relationship has nearly completely taken over the romance side.

Harold, good old Harold, comes running up to Mike, flustered and even when Louis tries to shoo him away, sticks to his guns. They really screwed up now – by talking outside the office. Both turn to leave and are immediately arrested. Two hours later, Mike is still being held but now with potential acts of terrorism getting involved with the case, his life just got a lot trickier. There’s also a laundry list of other potential charges that just rack up the decades in prison.

When the U.S. Attorney starts throwing around intimidating phrases like “thorough background check,” Mike tries not to show his cards, but we see panic flash across his face. His poker face against accusations of ‘terrorism’ is solid, but a ‘background check’ sends chills down his spine.

Jessica is worried about turning into Scottie’s old boss, Edward Darby, but Harvey tries to draw the line of difference. When she reveals Scottie came to her looking for an out, Harvey is hurt but infuriated. He gives her permission to let Scottie out of her non-compete and leave if she wants.

Harvey gets vicious when Cuelling shows up at the office tossing around accusations that they threw him under the bus. Soon after, Louis, Rachel, Donna and Harvey realizes Mike is M.I.A., and it’s Louis who realizes both he and Harold have been arrested. Props to the two ex-colleagues though, who under the same line of questioning, have their story and they stick to it. Neither sells the other out.

Back at the office: Jessica catches Rachel absentmindedly worrying about Mike, and she comforts her and inducts her into their family. It might be the most nurturing scene Jessica has had yet in the series.

Mike and Harvey must wait while Louis tries to ensure Harold does not talk, but the tension in the room comes to a head and Harvey demands that, if it comes down to it, Mike points the finger at Harvey. Mike might be the fraud, but Harvey is the one who hired him, who gave him the go-ahead and approved all the moves Mike has made since.

Moments later, the door opens, revealing Louis and a released Harold – they’re all free to go, but not before Harvey strikes some very threatening words down on Eric, the U.S. Attorney who incited all of this.

The four men return to Pearson Specter, and in a slow-motion sequence, Mike and Rachel hug, kiss and make up for the fighting that ensued. Harvey returns to Jessica, and admits they are becoming like Darby, and Jessica agrees – they need to go back to being them.

Harvey finds Scottie asleep in her chair and informs her they’ll let her out of the non-compete. Harvey blurts that Mike never went to law school, and that Jessica isn’t the Darby in the firm, Harvey is – he wants to stop lying to the people he loves. Where do they go from here? Does Scottie move to another firm in NYC and they stay together?

Harvey: “Big day.” Mike: “Horrible day.”

Mike reveals he called Jonathan Sidwell and took the investment banking job. Harvey gives him permission to go, but because Sidwell is a client of Pearson Specter, Harvey technically works for Mike now. This should turn out well.

We can probably expect the exact Suits season 4 premiere date in June to be announced soon.

What did you think about tonight’s season 3 finale?