As one battle finally comes to a close after 15 years, a new war is just beginning in tonight’s episode of Suits, “Moot Point.” What did you think of the episode?

When a simple ‘thank you’ won’t do

Mike, wanting to repay those who last week ensured his secret was still safe, begins by presenting a framed picture of Rachel as a child dressed as Minnie Mouse to her in their still-empty apartment. He places it right on their mantle, next to Panda, and their apartment becomes a little more like home. By the end of the episode, it’s filled with furniture and all. Sweet – let’s hope these two can stay together beyond the season 3 finale in a few weeks.

Mike also needs to thank Harvey for doing the seemingly impossible – getting Louis to cooperate and defy his own morals. So, he approaches Donna, coffee in hand as payment. She offers a few suggestions for Jessica – simple and elegant, or wild and crazy (no surprise there), but when it comes to Harvey, there is very little in this world he can be gifted. He gets what he wants and he wants what he can’t get – which means Mike doesn’t have a chance of getting it.

There is one thing though: a case with old law school rival, Eliot Stemple.

Scottie isn’t a girlfriend, she’s senior partner

Jessica officially welcomes Scottie at the partner’s meeting, and less than a minute later she takes her first case. A case that should technically be Louis’, but seeing as he shows up 10 minutes late and therefore violates his own by-laws, he ensures Scottie’s battle with Louis is just beginning.

Louis, once again unsure of where he falls in the pecking order of the firm, believes he’s behind Scottie because she’s the one “screwing” Harvey. Jessica explains he can either create a bond with her, or make yet another enemy.

We know Louis isn’t the easiest, friendliest, or most agreeable person in the world, and there are certainly a lot of partners he has angered over the years. But, if he does befriend her, Jessica says, he may have an easier time redefining his position in the firm.

It’s only natural that when Louis comes to Scottie, gift in hand, she is suspicious but accepts the token of friendship. Sadly, Louis doesn’t understand the term of friendship. Immediately after Scottie accepts the gift, Louis demands she pass the case back to him in return. She doesn’t back down, and he tries to intimidate her. “This is a fight you do not want.” Oh, but isn’t it?

Scottie intentionally picked a fight with Louis just to become the “partner who beat Louis Litt” and distance herself from being labeled, “Scottie, girlfriend of Harvey.” Scottie is running circles around this law firm right now. But she should be careful – Harvey already picked her once, but will he pick her again?

This is a battle of wills, but it will also set the precedent for how they handle disagreements in the future – will Scottie go to Harvey like Louis is baiting her to do?

Side note: We love the fact that Louis has been watching The Godfather to try and expand the common ground of Harvey and his relationship – but more on that in a bit.

Eliot Stemple is a one-trick pony

One man is living in the past (Eliot), while one may be trying to over-compensate for losing years ago to his rival (Harvey).

Eliot doesn’t hold a candle to Harvey in his bow-tie wearing, caught-in-the-headlights look when Harvey stands opposite him in court, in his three-piece suit and a smirk of confidence. But looks only get you so far. Once they’re in the cage of court, Eliot is going to come out swinging, and Harvey isn’t underestimating him.

Eliot is a worm, reusing excuses from years past, trying to squirm out of court dates and appeal to Mike’s pathos. Neither work. Mike is perplexed by Eliot’s reaction to his life – his disdain for his family and the firm that “pays him to leave him alone.”

In the end, Mike and Harvey realize that this case, for Eliot, has always been about the long-con. He couldn’t get his hands on a specific piece of tech glue the company manufactured until Harvey came on board. From there, it was easy for Eliot to manipulate the current case into one that brought that evidence forward.

They do eventually settle, and Harvey is vindicated in his win against Eliot, breaking his losing streak from 15 years ago.

Harvey and his character growth

Oh, Harvey, you’ve come such a long way since we first met you. In tonight’s Suits, we see him play a board game with Scottie, sipping scotch and reminiscing about the old days. When he struggles to figure out his next move in the case, he goes to Jessica seeking help and advice. He takes Mike out to dinner after they win the case against Eliot!

And of course, there are the multiple acknowledgments of his friendship with Louis and his loyalty to him, even if that does mean opposing his girlfriend.

And we thought Mike was out of the woods…

Jessica receives a call from New York Lawyer Magazine, who wants to interview the man who made this case winnable. As first chair on the case, Mike can claim this win for himself. But, for everyone who looks at the documents, it was Harvey who was first chair.

Jessica presents a whole new problem to Mike: no spotlight will be shone on him so long as he’s illegally practicing law.

Meanwhile, Scottie and Harvey might have a ‘no secrets’ policy, but when it comes to Mike, he simply can’t reveal it. So when he asks her, out of his friendship to Louis, to give the case back to him, she feels hurt. She is talking to the name partner of the firm, not her boyfriend, and that distinction will be hard for her to accept as they move forward in their relationship.

The theme for tonight’s episode was you can’t have it both ways. Do you agree?