The Suits mid-season 3 premiere, “Buried Secrets” just aired! It’s a new day at Pearson-Specter and everyone seems to be moving in the right direction – for now.

More accurately, it’s the morning after where we left off with the finale, “Stay.” The Suits mid-season 3 premiere certainly set the tone for the next five episodes. Trust and relationships – both the professional and emotional kind – are vital to keeping everyone at Pearson-Specter level-headed. Too bad that’s easier said than done.

Rachel judges Mike’s furniture, Scottie is already comfortable in Harvey’s apartment.

Writing that header, we’re thinking how awesome it would be to see Scottie and Rachel actually have some scenes together. Fingers crossed that becomes reality soon.

The home lives of Rachel and Mike and Scottie and Harvey bookend the episode, and both couples make monumental steps towards happy domestic lives. Rachel and Mike commit to each other by moving into the apartment Mike bought for his grandmother before he passed, and Scottie and Harvey allow for honesty to fill the cracks of their hardly week-old relationship.

When Harvey realizes Scottie is being pursued by other law firms, we can presume he freaks out and thinks with his heart instead of his brain – without consulting the other name partner. And Jessica isn’t too happy about the rash decision. Gina Torres is a shining light on this show, as always, and we could watch a gif of her saying “it is literally my business” all day.

Jessica, above the romantic desires of her senior partners, is thinking long-term but can’t quite accept Scottie into the firm without a few conditions.

Mike might finally be happy with his personal life but his professional one is being thrown into a tail-spin.

Mike wants to get revenge on Nick Rinaldi – a man who defended the drunk driver who killed his parents when he was 11. He is out for blood and ready to snap – or freeze, as he does in the deposition and needs Harvey to buy him some time.

Through a flashback, something we don’t usually see on Suits, we go back to the day Mike saw Rinaldi badger his grandmother into settling his parent’s case for the equivalent of a year’s rent. Mike’s desire to take this man down goes beyond what happened to his family after the accident – he also feels the heavy weight of guilt on his shoulders, not saying goodbye to his mother and father before the night they died.

Rinaldi, realizing he’s about to lose his current case, messes with Mike, giving him files from his parents case, showing his father was not drunk, but still had had two drinks earlier that night.

Would Mike have been able to handle this case without Rachel being there to support him? Sure they’ve been friends since Day One, helping each other go through files, but this case requires the strength of a serious girlfriend.

It’s not the absence of a file that makes Louis suspicious of Mike, but rather an A+ in a notoriously hard Harvard class.

Louis is sniffing around for clues about why Mike Ross’ Harvard file is missing. “It can’t be missing if it doesn’t exist,” and right when we think he’ll jump to that conclusion, Louis proves he’s not quite there yet: “What if he went to some third-tier law school?” He digs so far back as to find the list of lawyers Harvey interviewed on that fateful day and goes to divulge this information to Donna.

Donna, with her master poker face and easy coaxing, convinces Louis he is blowing this out of proportion. She knows the whole truth, obviously, and easily steers him into a safer direction: asking Harvard for a copy of his transcript that she knows will be there.

She wipes the sweat from her brow when he admits to his mistake. And, because this woman is Donna, she is able to dissuade Louis from breathing a word about Sheila’s supposed ‘incompetency’ to her.

What she doesn’t know is Louis goes to investigate every grade Mike received. When he comes upon an A+ in a class that the professor never distributes higher than an A in, Louis knows there is something more to the story. We have not seen the end of this.

Scottie doesn’t want a ring, she wants an office.

Scottie can play hardball with Jessica, proving she’s perfectly capable of going mano-a-mano with other top-tier lawyers. She’s not trying to get her name on the door, but Jessica is out to uncover Scottie’s commitments to both Harvey and Jessica.

The double entendre that is a running theme throughout tonight’s Suits – the trial period exists to test her compatibility at the firm, and to test the waters of Harvey’s commitment to Scottie, even if they table any discussion about a ring.

Scottie is scared and Harvey is reluctant. If she buys into the senior partner track, she wants to know that she’s not going to be dumped ion two months and stuck at a job with her ex-boyfriend. To prove to her he’s serious, Harvey subtly offers to pay her $500,000. Lo and behold, he pays it behind her back.

If Scottie wants to prove to Jessica that she’s serious about joining the law firm and not just entering into the relationship, she needs to land a big client – bigger than a hedge fund man, smaller than oh, President Obama. She is a smart women though, she knows the people who wouldn’t hire Harvey if he were the last lawyer on Earth.

Enter: Michael Phelps.

After some hinting about some events that happened in Beijing (the 2008 Summer Olympics), Harvey is excused from dinner as Scottie turns up the charm and tries to sign the winning-est Olympian ever.

She lands Phelps, and the firm will subsequently land Speedo – a win for everyone! Let’s just hope everyone stays so happy in the following episodes.

What did you think about tonight’s episode, ‘Buried Secrets’?

The episode was jam packed with story lines, so much so, it was hard to easily settle into one plot. Hopefully over the last five season episodes of season 3, we’ll see characters like Donna, Rachel, Jessica and Scottie interacting with more than just the case of the week.