Parks and Recreation‘s Ben Schwartz is all about the theory that Jean-Ralphio is a product of a Stranger Things romance.

Stopping by James Corden’s Late Late Show, Ben Schwartz took the time to “confirm” the popular fan theory about how Netflix sensation Stranger Things and the sorely missed Parks and Recreation are connected:

“Is Steve Harrington Jean-Ralphio’s real father?” Schwartz DARES TO ASK! “I’ll never tell.” Except he totally is, right?

According to Schwartz, the horrific events that Nancy and Steve went through would explain why Jean-Ralphio is the way he is: “That scared, scared sperm and that traumatized egg met together roughly a year and two months after the occurrence, and that becomes Jean-Ralphio.”

And when the baby was born, Schwartz theorizes, “he probably sang, and he had way too much hair.” Jean-Ralphio then lived in the Upside-Down for 50% of his life, “but he was super cool in the Upside-Down. He was super friends with the monster.”

Related: Stranger Things creators want to structure show after Harry Potter

And, spoiler alert! At the very end of Stranger Things, Ben Schwartz reveals that they open a box containing an eggo. They unzip it, and Jean-Ralphio comes out of it. It’ll truly be a full-circle moment.

Getting crazy now, we might as well add to the theory and imagine that Eleven eventually becomes the mother of April Ludgate, who has also grown up in the Upside-Down, which is why she finds the real world so disturbing.

This literally explains everything.