Steven Moffat’s son compiled a series of YouTube questions from fans this weekend to ask his famous father. The interview is now up including a moment where his son embarrasses him with a baby photo.

“Genesis of the Daleks” and “Earthshock” are two of Steven Moffat’s favorite classic Doctor Who episodes.

As a youngster, some favorite stories were The Chronicles of Nanrnia and Sherlock Holmes. Favorite films were the Bond films, Star Trek and Star Wars.

Among Moffat’s more off-beat disclosures are his fascination with optical illusions, and the fact that he tries to learn magic tricks via YouTube. Apparently he is utter rubbish at the magic tricks.

And in case anyone was wondering, though perhaps this qualifies as too much information, the Doctor and Sherlock both do in fact use the bathroom.


Which was your favorite question? Note, they are taking more questions, so ask away!