Up until now anyone officially connected to Doctor Who on an ongoing basis has been pretty quiet about the abrupt cancellation of Doctor Who Confidential. Well, today that all changed.

Individual writers of episodes such as Neil Gaiman have expressed their disappointment. Former showrunner Russell T. Davies expressed dismay. Now current showrunner Steven Moffat has spoken out in what is a clear criticism of the decision. Moffat tells Doctor Who Magazine (via Doctor Who TV):

“It seems hard to grasp. All shows have their time, and all shows end, but not, in all sanity, while people still watch and love them,” he says in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine. “And going by the numbers and the outcry, this show was watched and loved everywhere.”

He adds: “I’m not supposed to say it, but I’m going to anyway: bad day, bad decision. I know these are straitened times. I know we’re all at sea and the night is colder – but you don’t start burning the lifeboats to keep warm.

“Or to put it another way, you might want to think about the future if you’re planning to live there.”

Moffat certainly didn’t mince his words, and in this writer’s humble opinion, his lifeboat metaphor is nothing short of brilliant. He stopped just short of naming names regarding who made the decision. If he had, it makes one wonder if mini-charred lifeboats would start appearing at certain executives’ doorsteps.

How do you feel about the cancellation and Moffat risking his neck by speaking out? Should Matt Smith, Karen Gillen, and Arthur Darvill do the same?