Steven Moffat is gearing up for tonight’s BAFTA ceremony where he is due to receive a special award celebrating his career.  Between talking about the stress of writing/showrunning Doctor Who and Sherlock at the same time, he mentions what inspires him as well as the challenges he faces.

Deadline UK got Moffat to confirm what has long been suspected, that the comics of his youth inspired his Doctor Who aliens.

“There are some characters called the Numskulls in the Beezer that helped for some Dr Who monsters.

“They were the basis for the Teselecta in the Let’s Kill Hitler episode. It was just a memory I had of them from when I was a kid.

“I loved comics, especially the Beano my dad brought home every Thursday.”

Moffat also mentioned that is was very emotionally difficult to write the exit script for Rory and Amy, and that he’s glad that part is over.

Moffat just tweeted the following about this evening’s show.

Are you a fan of comics? Are there any comics that you think could inspire a Doctor Who alien?